Just saw 15 million merits from Black Mirror

Just saw 15 million merits from Black Mirror.
I feel so Sad guys. The chick looked just like my high school crush

It's quite sad because he didn't get to BLACK her.

Who's the nazi that wrote the script?

did you like the open ending or should he have killed himself ?

he shouldve finna used sum gun n shiet

Did you enjoy the pig fucker episode ?

Pig Fucker is the only good episode. It managed to make its point while also being entertaining.

When I first watched it I thought he sold out and became corrupted like all the others, while my brother thought that he just realized that he could do nothing to make any difference so he just gave up and went along with them. What do you think?

My all time favorite episode of a TV series. Anyone know of anything else with this same sort of world?

The Island

Entirely different. Apply yourself.

i'll apply my dick to ur mum


The Entire History Of You and White Christmas are even better

so one thinks that green light means go and the other one thinks red light means stop.
Are you sure your parents aren't brothers?


top fucking cringe

It's a really good episode m8, you should watch it.

White Christmas was definitely better but I though Entire History of You was just sorta boring.

White Christmas was probably the best episode of the series. Pretty fucked up.

>Black Mirror
Literally SciFi Reddit: The Show

White Christmas was great, although the twist was very easy to spot.

Season 1 + White Christmas = pure kino
Season 2 (yes even white bear) = worse than capeshit

EHY could've been executed better. The idea was one of the better ones. White Christmas was great because I had no idea what was going on until the reveal. There was an inkling there that she was being set up, but I didn't know how.

>Black Mirror? More like buzzword buzzword buzzword.


Worst Episode of the series?

I think it's White Bear. I couldn't stand the lead actress in it.

easily the waldo moment

Both, those are pretty much the same thing in that situation

The entire history of you is interesting but not very emotionally intense, while White Christmas seems to be trying to be as edgy and bleak as possible without any realism or sense to the way the technology is designed, other then the first part with John Ham guiding the guy around, which I could easily see being done in the future.
I think the difference is in the intention. There's a difference between selling out because you're as corrupt and weak as everyone else as opposed to realizing you can't do shit so there's no reason to bother.


hey it's buttsniffer

Has her career gone anywhere after that?

She was my favorite in Downton Abbey before...well, you know.

When I was 15 his speech seemed really deep but I think if I watched it again id probably cringe anyone know that feelibg


My favorite would be The Entire History of You.

>Of God, he's angry and depressed with society, how cringe-worthy, good thing I'm above that
His speech is still completely true, even more so now.

i hated women after watching that

i thought along those lines although i thought he could make a change if he went higher up the ladder.

Fuck off degenerate

>not only am I going to take the bait I'm also going to act like a triggered Sup Forumsack

The black guy in the end reminded me of someone from real life towards the end... I just CAN'T put my finger on who it maybe....

[Alex Jones]

