Anyone watch this? Pure sports kįńōgråphÿ

Anyone watch this? Pure sports kįńōgråphÿ.


I'm a football fan and it was shit. Fucking babysitter documentary for retarded niggers

Fuck off faggot.
Also claim your sports waifu
>Miss Wagner claimed

>it's an autist who is incapable of empathy goes to Sup Forums and feels accepted for the first time and starts parroting racist bullshit episode

I'm a big fan of whatever she does

It's not racism. They were retarded niggers, the white QB included.

Excellent choice user



Great series. Probably the best documentary Netflix has done. Some kids you feel bad for (like Ollie) and some you don't (Law and Franklin). But all their stories are interesting and well done.


Thanks for contributing to the discussion

i'll take two

This hits really close to home as im kinda in the same aituation in canada

You guys are Sup Forums so you aren't as with it as Sup Forums but you have to be super, extra special stupid to be a JC player in the deep south because almost all the deep south schools will take both "partial" and "non qualifier" recruits.

That means you can still go to play football you just have to sit out a year even if you can't hit either the GPA or SAT minimums.

Lastu Chance?
Last U Chance?
Last Chanceu?
Last Chance U?

moi fekn deeck

>We're supposed to root for Chads that aren't good enough to Chad
>Their dream is to play a children's game for ludicrous amounts of money rather than making a meaningful contribution to society
>countless sub-Chads devout their lives to this dream and fail, ultimately never having the time to gain any useful skills and end up on welfare
>this is the American Dream
No thanks.

I thought it was very interesting but holy fuck these fucking kids are so stupid.

>last chance to do something with your life
>better not go to class

Ollie and the advisor were the only likable characters, the coach was cool up until the end. And could someone explain to me how the shitty QB gets offers over the clearly better white dude?

Also their lost suddenly getting overturned was kinda sketchy

I want her on my Goy stick.

U Last Chance

How many players has she had private "advising" sessions with?