
You're welcome, Sup Forums. Make me proud.

>internet toys



This is the best thread yet.







>not [ettv]

Nice try NSA


Forcing your meme show this hard


Good work





What's with all the underscores? What a shitty generator.





>doesn't work on mobile

Is this the dark ages?


Everything is a meme show to you faggots. Its not even worth mentioning anymore

He's a NSA shill with an obvious honeypot but ST is GOAT

>couldnt protect that smile

Well done, friend.


nice try

Impressive, very nice.



ayyy lmao, pretty close



interesting thread op thanks


If you dont reply to this post _______________________Bite the b8



11/10 - would clap dem cheeks

El poster dano

Please leave


this, desu

Why isn't it saving the pictures correctly? I'm just getting lines
