Music to smoke a full pack of cigarettes to

music to smoke a full pack of cigarettes to

Mac DeMarco xD

why would anyone smoke a pack in any situation?


Why'd you post an image of a t-shirt design tho

aren't those the radio waves from pulsar CP 1919 as found in The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy tho

Huh? All the art hoes I know smoke NXTs

Lung cancet

they posers


the only time I ever smoked a full pack of lucky strikes I was listening to garden of delete
was about as much fun as it sounds

This, nobody does that.


Smoking is disgusting and I find it difficult to respect smokers.

Pro tip: no one outside this board of numales actually likes that Hospice Antlers trash, never met a single qt into that shit album/band

you've obviously never been tweaked out of your mind on coke

I try not to.

>not smoking cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, mentally retarded or both?
>b-but it will kill you
So? Is life a competition of who lives the longest?
>you'll get addicted!!!
No you won't if you are not underage and smoke in moderation.
Who's forcing you to smoke a pack a day you fucking peatmallet?


No you're thinking of Meth you idiot

Dum Dum Boys is probably my favorite song to smoke a cigarette to, calms me the fuck down.

>every girl in the world is the same...
pro tip: talk to more ppl

Please don't associate Twin Peaks with this trash

>Please don't associate Twin Peaks with this trash
Had to be one conforming it's bait.

This worked on Sup Forums buddy, but apparently not here. Sorry.

Unknown Pleasures has like four good songs and isn't even as dark as Closer. Where is the love for Closer?

>album to take shots of whiskey in between chain smokes of an entire pack on a breezy day of around 100F

Sister Midnight is chill as fuck.


(((Cigarette Companies)))

or pretty much any Tom Waits album.

I know, right? The album is really depressive, but I love it, one of my personal favorites.

In 2014 I "ironically" smoked a pack of cigs with a bunch of teenage girls listening to Mac demarco in a car

The whole album is like one long post-party drunk vibe with some weird emotional sobriety to it while driving aimlessly.

tbqh ian curtis probably chose the best album possible to kill himself to.

Closer has shitty synth pop songs that arent even dark at all.