Did she deserve that death in Jurassic World?

Did she deserve that death in Jurassic World?

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Post her tits

With that man jaw and those tits, yes.

>pale skin
>black hair
>blue eyes

The absolute best combination.

You have excellent taste.

Her tits are cute

That "comedy" death was so fucking retarded. God that movie was such a piece of shit. And I don't even mind Starforce Reddit McMarysue.

Chlomo has blonde hair asshole


How do you justify the term "Tits are cute" !? Are you insulting her !?

it was the highlight of her career


no getting railed by JRM was

I bet you liked The Force Awakens

I'd have preferred her being raped first then eaten by something smaller like one of the raptors. Macro/micro doesn't do it for me.


She was in it?




Why is this allowed?

welcome to reality

landwhale, pls

With her sad, depressing, dormer-tier tits, yes, yes she did.

why didn't they use cgi?



Is this what happens when fat girls lose weight?


wew lad



Post more

Someone post dormers tits side by side so we can see who's the queen of depressing tits

No fucking way.


Remeber kids, always take off the trip before samefagging!

Small and saggy but better than mcgraths.

What's the opposite of a butterface called?



body bag

Really? Well they're both body bags for sure

No he has to use the trip so the rest of us can filter his comments. That nigger is newfag bait.

>all the virgins in this thread thinking girls will always have 10/10 firm porn star tier tits

A lot of you are going to have to lower your standards eventually if you wanna get laid.

Even then I don't think your chances are good.

Hi tumblr!

Don't get me wrong, she's fucking pretty.

Not her tits tho'.

>pornstars have 10/10 tits

I know this is b8 but damn I just couldn't resist.
You've obviously never seen a pair of tits if you think those bags of saline are 10/10.


Just one sniff..

she dies in everything, she probably would have felt odd had she survived JW

I don't care that she died but the way she died seemed drawn out and cruel for no real reason. If she was a dick to the kids or something then sure but she was just some bored assistant doing her boring job.


it was a funny death

>all pornstars have fake tits

Stormares characters death in Lost World was cruel. Her death was just.

>You've obviously never seen a pair of tits if you think those bags of saline are 10/10.

I'm actually dating a very firm Turkish / German woman right now who has a porn star tier body, but is all natural.

Good thing about Euro women is that other than being generally intelligent they're not shallow cunts like American or Australian women.

You probably think I'm lying, but I wouldn't believe I could be this lucky either.

Still easy to spot the virgins in this thread, if you think tits are ever gonna look as good as they do in clothes / bra you're going to be disappointed a lot.

>honor killing when?


>I'm actually dating a t*rkish

Go away

No the guy who claimed they did, only going off what he said.

Implying this is true. Several of my friends and my step-bro dated turkish women and they claimed that they smelt funny. Is this true?
I've asked other people and they've claimed it as well but maybe that's just turks from Australia.



>they claimed that they smelt funny. Is this true?

Nope, she always generally smells good.

She was born in Turkey, but shes lived in Germany most of her life and has come to Australia for study.

>He doesn't like a pair of tits
>He must be a virgin!

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I might look into dating a nice turk cutey I've seen around. Always was hesitant about this rumored "smell" they exude.

Why are your spiders so fucking huge down there?

jesus christ

The biggest ones aren't even that dangerous like Huntsmans - they're bros that kill all the annoying bugs in the house.

Red Backs (I think they're called Black Widows elsewhere) will fuck you up, Funnel Webs are one of the most venomous in the world, but I think they're only in Sydney.

Our deadliest spiders are actually small.
The big fellas are harmless for the most part (not wolf spiders, those cunts are satan incarnate)

They're not even that bad. I've seen much worse

It's easier to grab them and squeeze them and slap them this way.

>this reaction

guess that explains why guys prefer I wear a bra


>why guys prefer I wear a bra
what did she mean by this?

If you have tits like this just go ftm

You're a man unless you provide evidence, and as It's against the rules to ask for evidence, all I can do is tell you to fuck off back to /soc/


Post feet

It's the small ones you have to worry about.

Male Sydney Funnel Webs are known to actively chase humans, and they're also one of the most aggressive because they'll actually pull their fangs out and bite again and again while holding onto something.
And they're nomadic.

>Krager is a schizophrenic
I knew it.

goddamn....they woudn't even float