That German hyena waiting to steal it's share of refugees for the EU to take

>that German hyena waiting to steal it's share of refugees for the EU to take

really fires my neuron

>Internationale Hyänen

Where's Russia

And iran, and ksa

If you want to shitpost, you need LaTuff's cartoons.


Boy do I want to (((make him go away)))

Giving ME independence was a mistake.

We are not a hyena, we are the saviours of the Syrian people.





Yeah, just like you saved us from revanchists and nazis in 1968.

Assad defends the Syrian people. We defend Assad. Therefore we are saving the Syrian people.

Yes, you should be grateful for the liberation.

Yeah... sure you are...

>It's another developed nations try and invade and colonize a shitty country and make it 100x better but idiots bitch about it episode

Seen this one too many times t b h

>the cats

every fucking time

We are. Thanks Gorby for dismantling the Evil Empire.

Gorbachev was a mistake.

every country belongs to india

Assad murders his own people. You defend Assad. Therefore you are murdering the Syrian people.

But seriously speaking, Putskin is only working for his own political ends in Syria. "Defending" anyone is just a cheap narrative that tries to justify all the murderous actions. Just like the USA has done in the past in Iraq.

There are 2 powers in the wrong here.

Lenin was mistake

>Russians still blame Gorbachev for the fall of the Soviet Union instead of Communism

There is literally nothing wrong with working in your own interests.

True actually.

Could have been reformed without collapsing. Look at China for proof.

>he still believes that Gorbi was a good guy
Is that Gorbachev, who wanted to save USSR from collapsing in 1991? (Actually he did)

is this rumor true that the NATO intervene in the Syrian civil war and support the rebellion just in order to weaken the solidarity between Russia and Assad.

>not letting shitty countries destroy themselves, instead of fucking shit up so they have an excuse to come over here

NATO intervenes because it wants to remove Assad before anything else in Syria, because he poses a threat to their hegemony of the region, along with Iran.

>Assad defends the Syrian people

Yes, all those Syrian refugees are just fleeing from Assad's overbearing love.

>There is literally nothing wrong with working in your own interests.
Then stop criticizing USA, and whining about their actions.

>There are 2 powers in the wrong here

Don't forget Iran, Saudis, Turks, Israel and whoever else has a stake in there.

>save USSR in 1991

Doesn't matter to me we got our freedom in 1989.

>Could have been reformed without collapsing. Look at China for proof.

Chinks learned that planned economy doesn't work far earlier than you. They were also able to guarantee that foreign investment wasn't stolen by local mafia.

Why shouldn't we criticise those who work against us? It is just natural.

Exactly. Now you understand.

>They were also able to guarantee that foreign investment wasn't stolen by local mafia.
Mafia is a product of the Yeltsin era, without his style of reform it would not have happened.

Genocidist of syrian people* :)

Sorry we aren't Jordanians who sponsor the FSA and its genocidal practises such as mass exterminations of populations it does not like.

>Assad murders his own people.
He only takes out the scum though.

And it's the scum who rose against him and started to kill his actual people. If you support the rebels, you support the murderers, who broke the peace in the first place.

China has long been a country that is united by cultural uniformity. The Baltic states, Poland, East Germany, and other countries never wanted to be apart of the Soviet Union.

Only the Baltic states from your list where part of the Soviet Union.

it doesn't change the fact that Russians has nothing to do in the sovereign Baltic nations other than imperialism.

If they were sovereign, why were they part of the USSR? Makes you think.

>x wanted
>x is not the people
fuck you and your cheap journalistic manipulation

>why were they part of the USSR?

Because you are dirty claygrabbing thieves. Occam's razor.

Got any proofs about that?


The entire history of the Russian Khaganate?

Not valid, try again.

>they did it by their own hands
makes you think

Sorry, claygrabbing thieves can't disprove opinions.

Balts will never recover from this.

Already disproved you though.

>Russian Khaganate

First of all no one helped syrians as much as jordanians so shut your mouth,
>genocidal practises such as mass exterminations of populations it does not like.
Wew lad do you hear yourself when you speak :DD

>implying Assad is bad

They run because of ISIS

>First of all no one helped syrians as much as jordanians
You help them get killed so that is something I guess. Not sure if I would say that is useful at all.

>Wew lad do you hear yourself when you speak
Yes, FSA plans to carry out a genocide of all non-Sunni non-Arabs in Syria, and have already carried out this in the areas they occupy in Syria. That is the reality of who Jordan supports.

>tfw relevant enough to be included

but who is that 6th hyena in the back?

He responded to protests by killing people. Put it in perspective.

Britain is a tiny hyena


>Our flag is wrong


Only we took two million of them and fed and sheltered them as our own family despite that the local poor jordanians also suffering for it?
Also i'm not fsa supporter thanks(maybe i would be supportive of rebels if there was non wahabi alternative ), but as opposed to what? The russian and iranian dogs in the syrian government who are genociding syria's sunni arab majority?
Listen, if assad is truly the savior of syrian people, as you claim, and syrians love him, call me when he can walk through aleppo safely, without getting a bullet right through his brains, the moment he shows. But he won't, and you know he won't. But whatever floats your boat.

You Arabs really as nothing but tribals, fuck me.


very good post


Forgot saudi arabia and roachland


Fucking retards. Assad has nothinh to gain from killing his own people. Ask the refugees and they will tell you that it is the rebel groups and ISIS doing the killing. Blame is put on Assad by jewish western media.


>not adding the Saudi Arabian flag and Turk flag
Really activates the almonds that they are leftout, both them support the bombing and both have interests in the region

What are doing