/prod/ general

Music production General
Benson edition

Talk about music production, composition, and audio engineering.

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GIVE and RECEIVE feedback.

DO NOT post Soundcloud, YouTube or any links where you are not anonymous. That is considered self promotion and will result in bad feedback.


>The Art of Mixing

>Intro to Synthesis

YouTube channels that you should subscribe to:

>Point Blank Music School

>Pensado's Place

>SeamlessR (Music production and sound design tutorials, based on FL Studio)


>ADSR Music Production Tutorials

>Justin Omoi


>Samori Coles

>Modern Mixing

>Image Line Tutorials

>Music Theory: The TL;DR Version (Music Theory geared toward electronic)

>Adam Neely (Music Theory and bass)

>SamuraiGuitarist (Music Theory and guitar, ignore the blogging)

>Holistic Songwriting (Music Theory, Branding, and "Making It")

>Michael New (Music Theory and piano)


>Production Resources:
>Pastebin - Links, books, videos, articles, tutorials and stuff

Other urls found in this thread:


Dude on busy works barely knows what he's talking about. The only genre I'd really trust him with is trap

just made a track can anyone give some advice?
i felt the drums were lacking but i also wanting to take an ambient direction so im not sure about that
and the second part is definitely something i need help on, is it too boring? does the key change seem jarring or ugly?

I like your track but it does feel a bit bare
maybe add some ambient wind noises or some whispers

here is my clyp

is my beat off? i cant tell because ive heard it so much so please help


my bad

those drums are way off beat

i was considering adding wind noises but i thought that it might contradict the theme, you're right about more ambient noises in general though
as for your track im not too familiar with what you're trying to go for but it definitely feels very lo-fi, also it's very samey maybe i'd work as bgm but as a independent track it leaves something to be desired, it feels like something that'd be used to build up hype in a another track

ok cheers, how do you get samples that are just piano on beat? seems very hard with a song like that can anyone give tips?

usually when you use daw programs they have some system to let you know when the beat is/various subdivisions
like dark/light boxes on ableton
or the red/grey buttons on fl studio
also just change the sample itself like decrease the tempo or cut it in certain parts
although in jazz syncopation is a thing, just keep that in mind

use a metronome, sounds like you need to develop your ear more if you can't hear how off that sounds just by listening to it


the cutesiest minuet i could muster

Once again, someone please update the paste bin this link. I was gonna make this thread and update it myself but the mu archive was down so I couldn't find the most recent OP.


I cringe whenever I see that picture of him in his oversized rented suit

It's the audio engineering ebook bundle by the way

An experiment rally. One very early thing I've made, it's really bad.
Can you explain how you feel about this?


For the most part i think ive finished the structure, thoughts?

Idk it's very weird, not too sure what you're going for really.

Thank you. Alright, I'll go now and try to make something that has more of a point

Like i think it could go somewhere most definitely dude, like transitioning into a melody or bringing in some drums

Know what, fuck it, the pastebin is full of broken links so I'm gonna update them all. I'm also gonna replace the books in the ebook bundle with the newer editions of the same books that are in there, and maybe put some new ones in there.

it gives of the impression of an intro to an album like someone in a dark hotel room, it sounds pretty cool desu like something from a movie but not as an actual song, if you did a drastic tone change after it could be cool

gotcha, thanks in advance user

How is this beat /prod/?


I would say that it's very static. You should try adding more elements to it and making the drums more dynamics cause atm it's quite repetitive

how the fuck do these trap producers and hip hop producers make those cispy fat 808 snares? everytime i try to make a snare i get those 909ish snare.

Same reason ogres are so big.

Updated pastebin:

If I fucked anything up or forgot something let me know.

thanks for the fb. im hoping to layer rap overtop, but im struggling to find the right amount of dynamic drums while keeping it not busy 0.o

Can someone give me a rundown on how THE fuck I can record a few songs onto Protools and make it sound somewhat decent.

I have pro tools and FL studio, and I'm about to get a decent mic. Is there a way I can add in drums, a simple bassline, etc, or is it shit if I do this?

Also, any guides for like double tracking, gates and shit like that?
I'm basically looking for a "protip" guide from someone with experience. A no bullshit method basically

Thanks in advance, I'm a retard with this shit

how am i mixing lads


>Is there a way I can add in drums, a simple bassline, etc, or is it shit if I do this
What do you mean? Are you asking for realistic sounding virtual drums/bass and such? If so, EZ Drummer or Abbey Road Modern Drummer. And Trillian for bass. You can also spend some money and have people record drums/bass for you on fiverr.com for cheap

Also check out some of the links in the newly updated pastebin:
If you're a complete beginner you might want to check out the Audio Engineering 101 book

You can have it sounding busy but still only having, for example, kick snare and hats, simply by changing up the timing and velocity.

I'm a relatively quick learner but I usually need to SEE what I'm learning, and then mess around, if that makes sense.
Hence my request for some no bullshit guide so I can at least get a rough song down, and then work on the small things that make or break a track, t b h. I mean, I need more of a guide on getting rid of hiss, and just overall making it sound somewhat polished and not just thrown together.

Thanks for the advice

Lynda.com bobby owsinski's audio recording techniques. torrent it from rutracker.org

Thank you, god bless

Is the guitar sound fitting?


Personally I wouldn't have the guitar panned so far to the right without there being something to balance it with on the left. It doesn't need to be in the center but I'd bring it closer to the center

i agree, i'll add another to the hard right

Fuck I love this. Did you make the piano yourself or is sampled?

Uhh you sound like you just play guitar I guess

Other guy covered drums and bass, though you should really be playing an actual bass

Double tracking:
>play in time
>play IN time
>don't use the same eq, guitar, pickup etc every time

Experiment with mic distance

You're going to need to be more specific if you want a good answer. These are all more the basics than pro tips

that's one of the few good records i've found hunting through shitty local thrift shops



why is the snare not cutting?

also anyone agrees that it has too much mids and sounds overall saturated/distorted?

wtf, reaper is better than cubase and protools


It's all I can afford at the moment.
Was really looking for just a simple guide of what not to do, things not to miss for a basic recording, etc. Tips, etc
For now, I'm looking to just get used to ProTools and work on the small things as I go

The not to do list is too huge to reasonably make for you, we don't have any idea what you don't know how to do that might be assumed common sense for recording. Gotta post something

tfw izotope neutron cant even fix your mix


Dunno what youre on about, sounds fine in my cans

tfw youre a fag and knew it sounded alright

Yea desu dunno what hes bitching about

How do you guys start tracks? Do you have a clear vision before production? Or just mess around with stuff until something sounds nice?

Personally i sit down on a piano and play around till something sticks, then just start layering after that. How do you do it user?

Working on a new single

"Love in my eyes"

A clear vision like a Hitler speech. Thousand yard stare into my monitor screen until my eyes become blurry and teary. Until my shoulders ache and my back is hunched. One earphone on, neck craned toward the speaker/amp like that scientist fella with the robo voice, you know the one!
I cannot compromise on this vision and often trash a song if doesn't match my "idea" of it.
I have thousands of hours of recordings/projects in "storage" that aren't quite up to my standard. Often times I will finish a song and listen to it the next day and throw it over something minor, or just "what was I thinking?"

There is something about creating at dusk, it's like the mind is more daring and ambitious. Almost like drinking booze, and waking up to find the girl looks terrible now that you're not out of it anymore. Ideas seem great, things seem great, and then the morning comes

Or maybe I'm a little fucked up

>A clear vision like a Hitler speech
lel so edge

I don't give a fuck for Sup Forums terminology
Being on the edge is where any decent musician should want to be, in my opinion

wew lad

not him but the point of calling someone edgy is to mock them for thinking they are edgy, when they're really just a tryhard



No he's shit
I know what it means, I'm saying i don't give a fuck for what it means.
Sup Forums terms and insults mean nothing, they are not grounded in reality, instead more like the reality of some warped virgin.

it did fix some of the bass issues, but i thought it made the high too harsh.

here is the original mix

who are your favorite electronic music producers?

nah your reply clearly makes it seem like he was saying being edgy was a negative thing. He was actually saying it's a positive thing that you aspire to be, but don't achieve

6/10 decent start, keep trying

Quotations completely ruin the flow, flat similes, sounds like you're trying too hard to express something that isn't that profound.

(Not him but I'm just going to judge the shit out of you guys)

Besides the obvious Sup Forums shit, who do you guys listen to that makes genuinely unique (listenable) music?

>thinks edginess is confined to Sup Forums

define listenable
define unique
define genuinely


I wasn't trying to write to impress, faggot. Look at the amount of full stops I used, more like notes and free flowing stream of consciousness.
I wasn't saying that at all, you low IQ plebeian. Also Hitler wasn't singular in any way, really

I'm just a by stander and this argument is cringe af from my point of view.

>cringe af
I don't give a fuck what you think about anything

Thats how its supposed to be, It's the internet afterall ;)

>Or maybe I'm a little fucked up
i can be your angle or your devil

well it's a good thing you told us, we value your feelings


You can be my hiro baby


Feedback appreciated. There's something off about this, it might be the drums. Pls respond

This dude tryna bring out the gay in me.

Hey man, I don't want to piss all over your dreams but if I heard that or came across that randomly, I'd smash the fuck out of whatever was producing that sound

You sound like a suburban white wannabe rapper from a middle class church going family who wears those ridiculous yeezy shoes and supreme clothing but doesn't skate
I bet you post a lot on Twitter and think Radiohead are the bees

Even if you're him I'm going to act as if you're not because this is so clearly trying to bait lol

Just kidding bro, sounds good
I'm not baiting, that's just how I am

>I'd smash the fuck out of whatever was producing that sound
lol what are you even talking about?

Too repetitive and the sample splice point is too obvious lol

Oh okay lol

basic channel
simian mobile disco
four tet

I was saying If I randomly clicked on someones Soundcloud or whatever, and that started playing, I would smash my own consumer products to stop that shit from tussling my stereocilia
but I was joking

>wannabe rapper
>no rapping

Let's be real, if I was a suburban white wannabe rapper I'd be making trap and sipping lean to "fit in."

I don't get this. All samples are repetitive by nature. What makes a sample not repetitive?

changing it up


Any feed on this?

Sipping lean is 2011 tier. Old men know about sipping lean and trap music now.
I would rather listen to a toilet flushing eternally than have to listen to another minute of rap music.
(I've listened to thousands of hours of it that is what makes me say this)
Garbage, all of it.

How well it is placed
What surrounds it
What interacts with it

Sampling is gay anyway

I'm trying to record some demos on my computer so that I can show them to friends and try and build a full band around them. For percussion I'm just going to use samples/plugins since I'm not a great drummer.

Should I bother arranging realistic drum patterns or should I just make a loop to back up the main idea? I used to arrange them manually when I did solo guitar/recording stuff but that always took a ton of time and it seems like a waste of time since in this case they'll probably change a lot by the end

Sounds like every other trap producer with gimmicky imagery and no talent or originality

just bee urself :^)

No one here can tell you, can they really? Depends on if you're happy with it.

Do what you must to make it sound good to you?

Most drum plugins have tons of good preset rhythms. Often they will already have realistic timing and velocity variation to make it sound more realistic. Just drag and drop the midi

hmmm what about these 2: clyp.it/mfwp1bxq

>No one here can tell you, can they really?
I was mostly just wondering if anyone else has found themselves in a similar position.

My instinct is to put effort in and change them up so that even if I can't put together a group I'll still have made something cool but then I go back and listen to the old recordings I did and man even after all the time I spent on the drums they just don't sound very good. Seems like it might not be worth the effort when I could focus on something else.

I'll actually look into that, thanks


For the most part i think ive finished the structure, thoughts?