Can we all agree that this would be the best cast for a live action Metal Gear Solid movie

Can we all agree that this would be the best cast for a live action Metal Gear Solid movie

If Chastain is too old, you can always just go with Bella

>casting a Japanese woman as a Chinese character

My only complaint really. Sam Elliot is perfect.

Asians play Asians all the time.

Also, Karl Urban for Solid

scott eastwood is too young

come to think of it I would be pretty happy with Urban it if he got the gig

he is 30. Solid was around that age for MGS1 maybe even younger

Well I guess it is an improvement over having whites play asians like in GitS.

he did do an amazing dredd

Correct, Solid about 30 by the time MGS1 takes place. Remember, the Les Enfantes Terrible project happened in the mid 70s. MGS1 takes place in 2005.

this and sam elliot are the only good choices itt

Scott Eastwood is really short and has a baby voice.

It's a really bad idea to give your projects codenames that refer to their purpose

just grunt and avoid eye contact like he does in the videos games. problem sovled

I think Sam Elliot is too cool to play a fag like Ocelot. You're supposed to look down at Ocelot and idolize him.

*not idolize


I thought you said Christian (as in Bale) and we're making a tranny joke kek

I've got your Meryl right here


I'd pick DDL but I think he's "above" vidya movies

look at the top of his head


American are retarded they wouldn't even guess

I think solid was only like 5'8.

Why the hell would you send some 6'4 clown footed doofus to sneak around a base? Harder to hide your horse frame behind stuff too.

>casting an actor as a mercenary

>liquid and solid different actors

What about it?

These threads are literally getting worse each time, that is the worst casting opinion I've seen since these retarded threads started.


Tom Hardy already played a shitty Mad Max

What makes you think he would do any justice for Solid Snake let alone Liquid

That isn't Tom Hardy as Solid

>Martin Starr
Otacon is a good looking dude though

Scott Eastwood's career is a meme

Yeah, let's cast on looks, that's always produced great results.

Or cast someone else.

more like Rosemary

perfect snake