Albums that make you feel like you've acended to a higher plane of existence

Albums that make you feel like you've acended to a higher plane of existence.


not in an entirely good way though
it's more like a descent into hell desu
but like, the actual hell where you are in a deep pit of nothing, completely cut off from the light of any sort of higher power, not the edgy fire and brimstone hell of Dante

The second half of this album seem to last three hours or four minutes. I'm always in a sort of daze once it starts getting weird.

>not the edgy...
I don't think there's anything edgier than what you just said


>using a literal description from the bible
alright cool man



Its like I'm a ghost wandering a dark castle late into the night, and every room is a different moment or a different journey written in a holy book.

only like 3/9 circles of Dante's inferno have anything to do with fire, and even then for like 2 of those 3 its not even the entire circle

what about
>Albums that make you feel like you've descended to a lower plane of existence


Death Grips do both to me

Built to Spill - Perfect From Now On
Swans - Cop



this one



Simply unearthly experience



The Soft Bulletin.
Fuck you all for not taking my rec.




this so much

Fuck you


Near death experience

this desu


these and pic related.


Thundercat- Drunk

my nigga

All of Animal Collectives discography.

Fight me desu











>not transcending


you're not on Reddit user

Let's learn how to spell first

The New Calassic