AGC states she's abeard and about to break up with her gay partner

>AGC states she's abeard and about to break up with her gay partner
>shortly after she breaks up with her partner

Why was she bearding? Is uncle Harvey planning something?

Other urls found in this thread:

What did she mean by this?

AGC is always right.

its a man

wtf i wanna fuck men now

So she's pretty much just a softcore pornstar at this point, right?

Pretty much. She's cheap trash and I love it

Her body is 10/10 lickable perfection

sexual attraction turns to full on fetish

i just want her to sit on my face desu lads

Those nipples are killing me

Who is AGC?

I worship her feet. They're perfect.

I'm sure she'll get nude soon.

Odds are very good we'll see her getting DP'd soon

she was listening to this



She has an amazing butt. It's just a shame...

I want to suck on those nipples desu senpai.

It really is. She should have never put on heavy lip stick.

Worthless fucking slut

She ruined the perfect puffy nipples DFC with fucking fake tits

>into the trash

what did her DFC look lik before


I'll be honest lads, if I was a woman and I had a body like that I'd be a slut too

In my country nobody has fake tits except for prostitutes and the occasional breast cancer survivor.

Why is the US the only first world country where breast implants are common?

also is it true they feel like stress balls?

>they can't delete these threads anymore because she isn't underage and is in actual art films now
how will the mods and reddit janny recover?

degenerate media-centric culture probably


>also is it true they feel like stress balls?
I don't know. What do real breasts feel like?

actress "discussion" is still not allowed

>Why is the US the only first world country where breast implants are common?

It's not. They're also common in Germany, the UK, South Korea, Greece, and Canada (which I know is cheating, since Canada is basically Discount USA).

>12 against 20

lol, you small dicked pedo,you would't know boobies grow until your 20's.

what country is that?

Bags of salty milk and sand.

>nose job
Her nose was fine, no reason for the change.

both of them were taken is 2014 you retarded faggot

Although to be fair, all of these countries have extremely strong American cultural influence, with the possible exception of Greece. I have no clue how the Greeks are paying for so many boob jobs with their economy in the crapper though.

>he doesn't know about push up bras

touch your owns fatass

Kind of like a butt, but smaller and squishier. It's basically made out of the same stuff.

I liked her old nose better, but she needs to fix that fucking jaw.

also entire south america

we're doing it right now in this thread :^)

He said first world though.


yeah sure

Ha ha, who is that girl on the left? She ever been on TV?

janis still delete them on sight

>South America
>First world

It's a status symbol in Greece and South America. Guys buy sportscars (or expensive tattoos in the lower classes), women buy breast implants.

Victoria Justice, she has nudes from the fappening

boobs feel like bags of milky coins. jk like bags of fat.

So unnecessary.

Disappointed she has dark nipples.

That means she has big dark roast beef pussy lips too.

Dark nipples are GOAT you disgusting pleb.

I've felt my fair share and it depends. If she gets it done with a budget than yeah, they can either feel really firm or like a stress ball like you mentioned. My second to last ex had them like a stress ball.

I've also felt some where the lady spared no expense and they had me fooled until she confessed.

I've also felt some that where like a rock. Maybe it was because I was drunk but god damn they were the hardest tits I've ever felt.

I'm sorry you have such disgusting taste my friend

>being this buttmad

Thats, nice. I prefer pink light nipples. Bella you can tell has beautiful light puffy nipples.

It must be nice having a waifu whose career has failed so badly that it's literally possible you could pay her for sex.


same can be done with you're mom

I just wanna suck on bella's puffy nips

Is that really too much to ask for?

No it can't, I tried.


So actress threads don't get you banned anymore?


>get some coke
>find her
>do it

I love her areolas desu

And they chose Zendaya

i don't want to leave my house though


Why is this thread still up?

I like her nose before the plastic surgery

Me too
The bumps are cute


Fool. You've activated my reverse-sage trap





sorry to disspoint

I got here from reddit last year ;_;

dani in her prime > all other thornes

moot, pls

I want to chain her to a table and slowly bite off every single one of the bumps before then biting off the whole nipple and spitting them into her mouth and making her chew them while I pour salt on the holes it leaves in her chest and then fucking her until at the exact moment of climax I cave her skull in with a mallet. Is that too much to ask for? ;_;

This. Bella is fine as fuck too though. I want to watch a Thorne family remake of Taboo, with special guest me.

two are baggers
one is not

what did she mean by this ?

What did she mean by this?

Whatever happened to him?

Nathan? Just email his school account to talk to him he is cool

The roommate of the guy who used the Annatap tripcode who is in that picture? He pissed me off in the IRC waifu channel so I found out he went to Oregon State University and emailed the dean of admissions and told him that he was visiting a known pedophile website called Sup Forums on the University internet and he stopped tripping. He's still around though.


dude, that white bikini was when she was just 17

she has a fat face