ITT: Movies that couldnt be made today

ITT: Movies that couldnt be made today

Other urls found in this thread:

>when Bond slaps her arse then has sex with her by force in a barn

A happier, simpler time

was it rape

Which film

Pretty Baby

this was definitely rape

this is a 18+ website

LOTR tbqhwyf

said the 20 year old

>someone does not know a movie from 1960 or whatever
>must be underage

underage b&

Yup, precisely

If you cant read filenames, youre underaged


>all those white people
Ugh. Just...just ugh. I literally can't even right now.

>toxic masculinity
fucking triggered

leon and lolita

the original ghostbusters

Blazing Saddles.

File name.... not only underage b& but just suck at life

Not a movie, but there is no way the Sopranos could be made today. Far too redpilled, far too much casual racism.


Citizen Kane

star wars 4-6, unless vader was white and luke was black of course

these along with Falling Down & Taxi Driver
Fort Apache The Bronx as well

Lolita could never be made back in the day anyway so we end up getting some half adaption anyway even Kubrick said it himself.

Every single Dirty Harry movie.