It's over

It's over.

The rap meme is dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

i wish i could kill all of these people

>using a womeme to prove your point
I don't like (s)hi(t)p-hop either but women don't know anything abut music.

she looks like she has multiple rows of teeth hiding behind the normal ones.

Top Comment ahah

Fucking white supremacy is hard to understand

Hmm, she's going to have to do better than that. First off, she needs to dye her hair blonde so more white conservatives will listen to her without thinking she's the spawn of satan.

Second, she needs to start attacking things that sjws really care about, specifically black lives matter or a woman's right to a consequence free abortion.

Third, if she has a job she needs to say something that sjws hate that will get her fired from that job.

You do all of those and then make a patreon/gofundme about how you are being discriminated against because of your views, that's when the patreon dollars start flowing in and you start getting millions of views.

Also, youtube is a pretty poor outlet for this, she should be using facebook live, that lets you target people by race way easier than youtube does and video shares are much easier too.

Do all that though, and you'll have money. But I cannot stress the blondeness, at the most all you'll attract looking like concep art that got rejected from a witcher game is Sup Forums nerds with no money that hate all women already.

how unsubtle and retarded are these three bracket-fags

16 y/o redneck thinks she is cultured enough to understand the world. Ignorance is bliss.
"I don't even know if I'm fully red-pilled but I'm pretty close to it" wat

Not that user but that is kind of the point. They are being unsubtle in what they are referring to only because everyone else knows the memetic connotation. They don't need to actually say it.

I'm dark-skinned personally but I have no problem with white people wanting to protect their racial identity and culture. The leftist whites who seemingly have a permanent hard-on for white guilt and self-hatred are the ones that have me confused.

And the very notion that criticizing secret Jewish power oligarchies is forbidden and le racist white supremacy talk is naive crap spouted by a sea of useful idiots from the left to muddy the conversation. Leftists never do the one simple (and integral) thing toward understanding the real lay of the land for any given geopolitical situation: follow the money.

If they did that (and if they didn't have pea-brains and could actually research worth a fuck) they'd inevitably arrive at the Federal Reserve.

Then they'd see who really owns the Federal Reserve. PROTIP: (((guess who))).

u smart

Is it a prerequisite for white supremacists to be anti-semitic? Something I never understood about white supremacy, then again I don't really hang around those circles.

>Is it a prerequisite for white supremacists to be anti-semitic?

Now your choice of words here is very telling: all the poster did was decry debased behavior and then attribute it to a nebulous "(((them)))"

That could be referring to any group of people. Perhaps he only dislikes the globalist industrialists? - some of whom happen to be Jewish, but with an equally significant contingent that aren't - but the fact that you editorialized on his behalf and assumed that he MUST be referring to all Jewish people with that statement tells me that you subconsciously associate all Jewish people with these same social mores.

To be critical of Zionist agenda isn't necessarily to be critical of all Jewish people. But you're too busy subconsciously associating Jewish people with loathsome things like a true anti-semite to be able to see fault in this line of thought.

do u think she'd let me cum on her face though im not white

You been living under a rock dude? Triple parentheses have been used to identify jews online for ages.

He might actually be anti-semitic, but he could've just as easily been referring solely to Zionists. Which, by the way, would be a fair thing to say.

It's your editorializing on his behalf and declaring that he meant all Jews that's the problem here. You could be right, but then who knows?

>implying anti-zionism doesn't mean anti-semitism

we have a bunch of muslim ''Intellecuals'' in my country who always jew-bash but they do it supposedly in the name of spreading awareness about zionism, fuck that shit the anti-semites don't care about if you support israel or not they think all jews are the same anyway.

>It's a fair thing to say that zionists promote degenerate and anti-white behaviour because zionist conspiracy


I wish I was intelligent as the person who made that comment.

lmao she reminds me of the norf norf woman

It just comes with the territory.
White supremacy is generally the result of paying attention to trends in each race.
When you do this you notice Jews having a large presence among the upper echelons of certain powerful industries that inform mainstream trends in culture, politics, etc. despite only being a tiny population.
You see the elites trying to push the public's thoughts into a certain direction, while trying to stifle other thoughts.
The thoughts they push generally are philosophies created by Jewish people. This usually includes the removal or demonstration of any traditional cultures, roles, freedoms, ideas that were white creations, or that would benefit white people and western civilisation, while replacing them with things that would benefit non white people.

she is disgustingly pale

Can I try on your tinfoil hat?

keep reading...

>>It's a fair thing to say that zionists promote degenerate and anti-white behaviour because zionist conspiracy

But this is absolutely the case? Are you serious?

What are you actually trying to say here? That Zionist agenda is never anti-white in objective or that Zionism itself as a greater conspiracy on the world stage doesn't even exist?

lmao I didn't even say anything remotely conspiracy related. It s basic shit you notice if you pay attention, it's all out int the open.

desu the comments section is a gold mine

PROTIP: What he's saying isn't even that crazy. You just refuse to see the world as it is because you are petrified of other leftists deciding to tar and feather you for being "hateful". You can't see that this mass hysteria of not wanting to seem "politically incorrect" has bastardized all political discourse on the left down to one giant crabs in a bucket scenario with every little crab afraid to climb out of the wallowing ignorance to note the true players at work because they fear the social reprisal and snipping back down into the bucket by every other little crab as they scream "bigot".

So the greater power oligarchies at play look down from on high and laugh at your endless self-censorship and paranoia as they continue their work unabated.

He's right btw.

Internalized racism.
Poor you.


A witless rube giving pseudo-intellectual armchair psych bon mots.

Look out.

PROTIP: Even the newfags over at Sup Forums are bluepilled on some of this. They attribute everything exclusively to Jewish Zionists as they larp "DEUS VULT!!! WE MUST END THIS" but they're too ignorant and gullible to understand just how intimately the Vatican II (Jesuit) are connected with the Zionist at the highest of levels as well.

You couldn't keep up with me even if you fucking wanted to, rube.

Cool thread.

Goddamnit John

>You couldn't keep up with me even if you fucking wanted to, rube.
tips fedora*

>Falling for meme's this hard
>Spouting predictable meme's in response
Try to talk about music while on Sup Forums and stop falling for bait

>being this blue pilled

>fuck I don't know how to respond and yet I am compelled to respond
>better just meme and hope for the best