What does Sup Forums think of Xiu Xiu?

What does Sup Forums think of Xiu Xiu?


Esentiall hipster cuck core

nu-male shit

Best Band of the Decade

sorry i dont listen to garbage

I like them but I think Jamie is a total cunt. This occasionally will come across in the music but not enough for me to stop listening.

Rough around the edges, but there's always a decent handful of tracks per record that are worth listening to. Inconsistency in the quality of an individual album is their biggest flaw, but then, if that stops you from enjoying an artist in 2017, then you should get out of your lewronggeneration bubble.

'A Promise' and 'La Foret' are their best albums and worth listening to. good stuff. can't stand Jamie's melodrama but I guess that's the baggage that goes along with being gay

Triggered much, Trumpcucks?


Not every album is gold but several are and they're interesting and always worth paying attention to.

Xiu Xiu? More like Poo Poo

Greatest band of all time. Run from 2002-2006 is perfect and their stuff since 2014 has been great as well.
Anyone know if the pre-Knife Play compilations they were on have different versions of the tracks?

>The preeschool students ask her
>What she is

>She thinks
>I don't know

>She says what do you think
>*screeching train noises*

fucking GOAT

so pretentious it's almost painful but still good

no other artist conveys raw emotion as convincingly as Jamie does.

Actually I met him a while ago and he was super fucking nice, but probably just because I wasn't creepy like all his fans probably are

How is he this fucking cute?

they're pretty good.


but I voted for Trump and I love Shwee Shwee

His music sounds like shit, fucking shit. I'm sorry. I really tried, I listened to his albums several times and I don't get it, If I wanted to listen to something like this I'd listen to Arca who can actually make something that sounds pleasing.

apistat commander is the best song they've put out

Started out strong, then made the same album over and over again for half a decade. Has gotten more interesting lately.

They're dumb & suck ass

I love Jamie he's a total qt

seriously this song is goat