I thought you were a baccalà man, Uncle Jun. What are you doing eating sushi?

>I thought you were a baccalĂ  man, Uncle Jun. What are you doing eating sushi?

>I'm still the boss of this f-family tony

go shit in a hat


Thanks m8, every sopranos thread reminds me i should start re-watching the show.

Bumping because I want a Soprano thread.

>baccala man
what did he mean by this? Was he impleying that Uncle Jun was fucking Bobby?

Just started this again a couple days ago.

It's so good. There isn't a non-entertaining second in the entire thing, at least in the first season so far. The cinematography is great, the acting, the music, the writing is awesome, it's just excellent. RIP James he was too good for us.

Has anybody else put on such an amazing performance? I know all the classics, Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando, and so on, but has anyone ever put on a better performance than James Gandolfini in this role? It's one of the few times I've felt like saying "he was born to play this role" is actually applicable.

This is now a Phil Leotardo thread.

Next time, there will be no next time.

But Phil is Anonymous

He asks about you.

Does the real life mob have as many rats as shown in the Sopranos

>Jimmy Altieri
>Big Pussy
>Jack Massarone
>Raymond Curto
>Eugene Pontecorvo
>Carlo Gervasi

That's 3 capos, 2 soldiers and the girlfriend of a capo, for a small family like the New Jersey mob that seems like an awful lot of high ranking rats in a short period of time

why didn't tony resist paulie here?

Have you not noticed Mafia is almost done IRL and are cucked by Feds, Mexicans and Russians? The racket is no more, all that's left is internet scams. Sad but true. RICO has obliterated Mafia.

Criminals are weak and cowardly. Look at examples from the real Mafia, they stab each other in the back all the time.

send him my love, and tell that fat fuck Ginnie to get on a treadmill

He thinks the world of you too.

I felt really bad for Junior, he didn't deserve it.


don't have the screenshot but

>these parker house rolls... they belong to my ma.

seen the whole thing 4 times and still get urge to rewatch it

only rats where from fucking new york
t. nephew of Sam the plumber


>Watch it Chrissy

Jun eats pussy. I think he'd a power bottom.

>Chrissy proceeds to not watch it
What did he mean by this?

>tree branch came right through the window, completely destroyed the baby seat

The mafia life isn't about what you deserve. He was too weak, too old, and not manipulative enough to stay on top.

>What about him? One of these civilians calls the cops?
>What? I think I seen a couple of niggers running that way.

What was he insinuating with this?

That and many mobsters and Italians in general moved up the social and economic ladder. Ethnic Mafias are a thing for poor recent immigrants. Italians aren't recent immigrants with few opportunities anymore.

Ginnie is the only decent woman in the show. Show some respect.