I think Kayne is completely trash, which tracks can change my opinion?

I think Kayne is completely trash, which tracks can change my opinion?

no need, your opinion is correct.

Street Lights it will change the way you see yourself and who you associate yourself with.

step 1) listen to everyone in mainstream rap except kanye
step 2) listen to MBDTF
step 3) listen to 808s
that's about it.

>listen to 808s
When will this meme end?

Flashing Lights

Street Lights
Real Friends

when plebs like you accept 808s is the best kanye album bar none.

why does Kayne always look like an insulted kiddo? because his music sucks?

Touch the Sky
Homecoming feat Chris Martin
Hate it or love it

The game, you just lost it.

OP here

Honestly, blood on the leaves is pretty cool...

just dont go to reddit and that should do it

Just stop, seriously. 808 is more nostalgic than a good album so get your head out of that zone and get real.

"Up in the Woods" followed by "Who Will Survive in America" does it for me.

Drive Slow
Devil in a New Dress

>Up in the Woods

nah 808s has amazing production, forward thinking art direction, and above all it was uncompromisingly kanye. If you listen to the drums on Coldest Winter and you're telling me you don't feel that you're lying.

Lost in the world

>Up in the woods

Then listen to 90s rap shit on all of the above

Listen to TCD and LR to acknowledge that he has made good shit but listen to his newer albums and you see that except for the fluke that is MBDTF he has absolutely lost it.

all of MBDTF
especially lost in the world