The 2000s were the worst decade for all media, especially music

The 2000s were the worst decade for all media, especially music.

Birtney Spears is the dark horse that killed everything that was good in the 90s.

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fuck you

That album was released the day I was born :)

You're right, but sheeiitt if she wasn't bangable as fuck tho

But Britney Spears happened in the 90's.

I still think you're right though, OP

Kid A finally has Radiohead become a more unique band rather than some kinda shitty britpop/Beatles ripoff.

Hip hop production finally started becoming sophisticated instead of samey minimal crap.

Metal added the dynamics and unique timbre it had long been missing.

Indie shit finally moved past The Velvet Underground thanks to a variety of implementation of electronics and song structures that aren't necessarily pop structures.

Electronic music finally started catching up to its great predecessors like Stockhausen thanks to the slew of experimental releases from groups like Autechre.

Folk had a big renaissance and diversity ranging from folk punk like AJJ to indie stuff like Joanna Newsom to the varying influences of Jack Rose.

I can keep going on and on. 2000s is best time since the late 70s early 80s time period.

We tried to tell you peado faggots at the time, but nooooo...

>about to say underage b&
>realize that album came out over 18 years ago
You win this time

Nope Spencer Clark and James Ferraro did their best stuff then and their stuff is the best thing of this century for now

>Metal added the dynamics and unique timbre it had long been missing.
Yeah, Soilwork is a great band.

If you're under 21, you don't belong here anyways.

Britney killed the 90s with her underage pussy

>Imma mention a shitty mainstream poppy melodeath band and ignore all the good shit
Sure, go for it.

I'm 20 should I leave?

>Avenged Sevenfold

>tfw 18

>Menace Ruine
>Deathspell Omega
>The Axis Of Perdition
>Converge post Jane Doe
Your trolling attempts are weak.

>for all media
Fuck you the cartoons were GOAT

>t. buttmad x-er

> all media
umm sweetie

>Calls my posts trolling because he's insecure.
Good day to you.

Not music.

> The 2000s were the worst decade for all media, especially music.
> all media

Designed in the 90s.

released in 2000

The topic is about music, not games. Stop trying to win an argument that's not even happening.

>imma troll him with insecure even though he posted examples

retard, it says all media



If you're looking to teen pop musicians for good music, that's your own damn fault.

We got John Dwyer, Ty Segall, Jay Reatard, Wavves, the Black Lips, and a shit ton of other garage rock out of that decade.

we had bangers like this

Created with 90s technology, programmers, etc.

When it's made is what counts not when they decided to throw it into stores. You're playing a 90s game still.

still a 2000s game

Nice counter argument! Now who has no brain, brainless little fella?

>Start thread about 2000s music.
>Devolves into nonsensical arguing.
>Some of the posters are saying they grew up during the 2000s.
Clean out your desk, user.

If you weren't at least 21 in 2003 then you are newfag scum.

mad. still a 2000s game

>Birtney Spears is the dark horse that killed everything that was good in the 90s.
Oh, you mean like Hansen?

doesn't cont. mmmbop was 1996.

Early 00's were really shit desu

Some interesting bands/albums from the 00's

Mars Volta
Joanna Newsom
Blood Brothers
Godspeed You Black Emperor
Arab On Radar
Bohren & der Club of Gore
Discordance Axis
Tool (deal w/it)
Daft Punk: Discovery
Mastodon (good mastodon ended with blood mountain)
Boards Of Canada: Geogaddi
Queens Of The Stone Age
Woven Hand
Scott Walker: Drift
Agoraphobic Nosebleed

that subtle upskirt marketing ploy

[spoiler] it worked [/spoiler]

You're a fucking idiot. Britney Spears was - and still is - extremely talented. She was a great dancer as well as a skilled & unique singer who was easy to work with. If you don't think Britney's 2003 album In The Zone defines the pop genre, you clearly know nothing about music.


correct. mfw "everytime", spring breakers is a great film

Mainstream music********

That doesn't hold up. Bowie is mainstream.

3 years left but 10s have been worse than 00s surely

sophistication =/= artistic validity

Did not realize that she was such good JB when I was 10

It's Birtney, Bitch!

Too bad the shit outnumbers the good stuff from that decade.

Also your observations are extremely biased. Hip-hop lost the urban artistry that made it great troughout the early 90s. Indie became a shell of it's former self, allowing itself to be consumed by the mainstream. Electronic music took a massive downturn from mindblowing maximalism like hardcore and jungle to banal minimalism like dubstep and tech-house. Autechre are tucking trash.

music was already ruined a decade earlier in the '80s by New Kids on the Block.

>Implying more than 3 people that old would still be on this board



most part of music died in the late 90s
some others are only exceptions

1998 to be correct


blood brothers is watered down sass garbage and you know it
and crack the skye is great
>tfw people who grew up in the 2000s are old enough to post here

kid please


that's kinda splitting hairs, but it's interesting how they gave her a new image on the first album.


kek get a fucking job

>Kid A finally has Radiohead become a more unique band rather than some kinda shitty britpop/Beatles ripoff.

lol , Ok computer happened, but whatever i guess.

>Hip hop production finally started becoming sophisticated instead of samey minimal crap.

You need to stop. this isnt funny.

>Metal added the dynamics and unique timbre it had long been missing.

Whoa buddy.

>Indie shit finally moved past The Velvet Underground thanks to a variety of implementation of electronics and song structures that aren't necessarily pop structures.

>Electronic music finally started catching up to its great predecessors like Stockhausen thanks to the slew of experimental releases from groups like Autechre.

>Folk had a big renaissance and diversity ranging from folk punk like AJJ to indie stuff like Joanna Newsom to the varying influences of Jack Rose.

t. Le right generation fag.

This is how contrarian mu is now

>The 2000s were the worst decade for all media, especially music

Justin Timberfake didn't deserve Godney.

hey gramps

But rap isn't "good" user

Bad meme

>hasn't taken the music redpill

Overall it was bad but good music still came out.

It's not about sophistication. We went through that route near the end of the 90s. 2000s is where that late 90s became artistically valid.
>shit outnumbers good
Like every decade ever? This is delusional le wrong generation thinking.

>hip hop list urban artistry
Thank god because it had been going on since 1986 and made shit way too samey. Production in hip hop as a whole is FAR more sophisticated post 2000s than before it. Indie didn't become mainstream, just a couple bands that weren't even actually indie (sorta like a ton of early 90s rock bands that weren't actually alternative).
What? They were among the sparsest genres due to being so focused on percussion. And nothing in the 90s was anywhere near as maximal as Autechre or BoC's Geogaddi. Also, pretty sure most of minimal techno, THE minimal genre about electronic guys was mainly 90s as well.
>le wrong generation fag S E E T H I N G at the facts

Can we start calling the 2000s decade the zeroes? It's the last time we have a year with 3 zeroes for a millennium. It's the perfect nickname. The two-thousands is too wordy, and the aughts doesn't make a lot of sense. The eighties, the nineties, the zeroes, the tens. See it's better.

Please respond

Addendum: short form people say the 00s. How does that read? The zeroes

How? Great decade for hip hop, post-metal was coming around in the early 2000s, all the post-punk revival bands, nu gaze...

I liked the 2000s.

Is this album cover supposed to imply she had to suck dick to get a record deal? Seriously, what other conclusion am I to make? Were people really this clueless back in the late 90s?

And she stole from my girl


>the oos
>the zero-zeros
>the good old days after nine-eleven-oes


No, it was still a time where you could get away with not so subtle shit like that. It was everywhere in the 60s and 70s but started declining during Reagan's reign in the 80s. In today's PC world it would never fly though.

go start a family

also none of that is folk music

holy shit


I agree so much, i remember being a kid and seeing Britney Spears on TV and thinking shit! It's going in the wrong direction. Isn't music meant to get better over time?

I remember being a kid and seeing Britney Spears on TV and thinking shit! My penis is going in the right direction

Okay, thanks for that.. err real insightful

lots of great music came out of the aughts. you just had to know where to look to find it.

i was going to make a thread recently to see if anyone else loved on!air!library! but cancelled my post when i saw they had only 630 monthly listeners on spotify. they were one of my favorite groups from the early-mid aughts; looks like i was one in a few who discovered them. they mean a lot to me, discovered their cd at other music (r.i.p.) in the east village wayyy back.

i miss the 2000s. miss when it felt like music mattered.

>miss when it felt like music mattered.
When MTV stopped playing music videos in the mid-late zeroes, music felt a lot less important

Hey how on earth do i see how many monthly listens a band has on Spotify? I didn't know that was a thing.

dunno? i do have a few albums on there through tidal discovery. special privileges? not sure

Hip-Hop for me died late 2014.


>mars volta listed as first thing

shit taste