Alcoholism-core albums

share some albums to drink/smoke to (preferably classic rock)

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alright, lets go for jazz, give me some


magnolia electric co

Listen to this on a depressing night drinking alone.

That's actually fucking good, thank you

Jazz would taste like shit lmao

came here to post all of tom waits and

I kinda like Tom Waits, i'm currently listening to Rain Dogs as a start in his discography

Listen to swordfishtrombones, doesnt get the hype that rain dogs does but i honestly think its his best, I post about it any time tom waits is mentioned


*listens to A Kind Of Blue once*

this album sounds like how drinking alone feels to me


how has nobody posted the doors yet

>tfw Please Call me Baby comes on and I'm 5 rum and cokes deep

more like whisky or rhum

i like october rust by type o negative when im flying solo

lately its also been

rancid - and out come the wolves
greg howe - introspection
tony macalpine - maximum security

smoking cigarettes to common as light and love is awesome

Youth of Today
7 Seconds
Have Heart
Down to Nothing
Gorilla Biscuits
Minor Threat
Government Issue
Dag Nasty
Black Flag
The Faith
Earth Crisis

I don't drink on my own. Only at social events. When I'm alone I like punk and jazz, but at social events I really prefer genres like house and DnB

>A Kind of Blue
Hello pleb

Mostly listening to boring DSBM or Slowcore while drinking cheap ass vodka straight from the bottle.

Usually Elliott Smith or country music when I'm drunk, all of them were alcoholics.

Or just really trashy rock music.

can you share some good country artists ?

Guided by Voices, obviously

State of your reading comprehention

>can you share some good country artists ?
Most of them, if not nearly all of them.

Do you really think I'm here to spoonfeed you classic country? Google is your friend.

You know what? I'll throw you a bone.

Usually pic related

Or 'No Children' by The Mountain Goats for 4 hours straight or until I pass out.

>""""""""A"""""""" Kind of Blue

If you're an angry drunk: folk punk, dbeat, crust
If you're a happy drunk: new wave
Sad drunk: post-punk, shoegaze, goth rock
> ian MacKaye

>anything and coke
>ice in whisky

What if I am drunk all the time? You know, alcoholism.
