Which film has the best DVD commentary?

Which film has the best DVD commentary?

Tropic Thunder's commentary with RDJ, Jack Black and Ben Stiller is fucking hilarious.


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Everything about Tropic Thunder is a fucking masterpiece, honestly. Never get tired of watching it.

oceans 11

Who the fuck even listens to film commentaries

Evil Dead 2 has a great one

Not a film but still hilarious.

Is there a way to watch the commentary without buying the DVD/Bluray? I've seen it before and it was hilarious but I wanna rewatch

Ricky Bobby


Conan the barbarian

The first Scooby-Doo and Resident Evil movies had commentaries that were way, way more fun than they had any right to be.

I do all the time.
Also commentaries for tv series.
It's a low invest way of suggesting company, a very easy way to have something diddle on in the background while getting work done, and sometimes it's even funny.

Doesn't go for everything tho. Snow White and the Huntsmans commentary was basically "dis CGI, dis not, dis CGI again, dis part CGI, dis part CGI, dis CGI, dis not CGI"

What I did was find a torrent with a the commentary and find a different torrent and play them at the same time

Only torrent with commentary has like 1 seeder so it took a day to download 100mb


Is this film still considered socially acceptable in 2016? Due to RDJ blackface and all.

Probably not



Twilight's is surprisingly good, Robert Pattinson is pretty funny and you can tell how much he disliked doing it.

Any funny excerpts on Youtube? I'm definitely not going to watch the entire Twilight DVD commentary

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog should get a mention

Simpsons commentary is actually really funny if you want to know more

Stepbrothers is great, they did musical numbers describing scenes that were taking place.

Sounds forced



i miss KvS

Unfortunately not, they get taken down for copyright ridiculously fast for some reason.

There are a few bits though youtube.com/watch?v=guAOJ1OWpEQ

kys. that shit is literally the most reddit thing imaginable.

Time to get drunk, watch this and pretend they're my friends

Post more of this shit please

are you me?

Download this
Then torrent the unrated film and play it over it




Big Trouble in Little China

are my two favorites.


Holy shit this Armageddon commentary is gold with Willis and Afflek

Amadeus, Blade Runner, but I prefer serious commentary
When I want commentaries for laughs I prefer Rifftrax or HitB

Lord of the rings was pretty good
directors and actors versions

also shaun of the dead

Mission Hill has hilarious commentary with a lot of insight to the show, the part that pissed off me the most was the fact that they didn't do it for every episode.

Also I heard Kevin Smith describing the commentary for Cop Out and the comment's concept including the outtakes and discussing why they were left out is pretty cool, haven't heard it but it does sound cool as fuck

I really loved the Excalibur directory commentary. Also, Conan the Barbarian with Arnold. That dude was hilarious.

Hunter thompson on the fear and loathing dvd is fun.

>Just shitting on the movie

What the fuck lol

>Ben: Fucking stunt actors look at them hahahaha
>Bruce: my stunt actor almost died doing this

damn that is amazing.

Are you legitimately retarded?

yupp best comedy EU

Never knew RDJ was so funny

>this Armageddon commentary

How does this even make it onto the DVD holy shit. Did the studio not listen to it or did they just not give a shit?

Futurama has pretty fun commentary

The James Cameron ones are super comfy. He's very enthusiastic about his craft without getting too technical, is honest and he's pretty funny at times. Titanic and Aliens ("another liberal bites the dust") are his best, but they're all good.

I don't want this thread to die, I want more funny commentaries to be mentioned

Anything with Arnold is pretty great. Dude is legitimately enjoying his movies and talking over as a giddy child would

>Tropic Thunder's commentary
isn't that the one where one of them orders fast food or something while they are doing it.
I think it was jack black who come in late with a hangover.

oceans 11 commentary is really good, they are cracking up at don cheedles char every time they see it.

Cannibal! The Musical of course


Though it's very easy to find it on torrents with the commentary track added

>watch a film
>really like it
>watched it many times you know every scene
>watch it with subtitles
>a misunderstood word can add more context to a scene
>still like the film
>watch it with commentaries
If you like a film it is the only way to revive it.

Rambo: First Blood is my personal fav commentary. It's just Stallone talking about the filming process.

No, the retard here would be you

>that part in the commentary where RDJ is talking about how Ben Stiller purposely made him look shorter than him in the film

He's always been insecure