I created you Jack

I created you Jack.

I am your God.

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I mean, I liked the visual style at least?


The way Sally says "I am your God" is so god damn chilling and I love it so much. I wish there were more movies that invoked that fear and awe

That's Atlas from No Man's SKy

>all that fucking around on a boring, desolate Earth
>don't even get to see the aliens


you didn't like the soundtrack?


this is like poor man's Horner. Pretty good

Nice bait.

Shuldn't it be fuck you silly? English is not my first language.

i am the G

Not sure if serious...

Sally is the name of the evil alien intelligence. Or at least the name humans use to refer to it. Tom Cruise is pissed off at it, so he's saying Fuck You to her

Who and what?

A space exploration video game recently released called "No Man's Sky". The main super intelligence/God like being is called the Atlas... and looks identical to Sally

>Tom Cruise is pissed off at it, so he's saying Fuck You to her
The fact you felt this was necessary to explain to him made me laugh pretty hard.

too bad its shit

True, but Edge Of Tomorrow is such a better film and fixes all the flaws that Oblivion has

is that HAL from 2001?

This is official /underappreciated core/

>movie has an AI
>it's complexion is just a red light

It's another better film that Oblivion decided to rip off.


But they're nothing alike, Oblivion felt like a book written back in the 1950's where Edge of Tomorrow is a good action movie.

>Edge of tomorrow
>Groundhog Day
>Next with Nick Cage
>Deja Vu
>Source Code

Which is the true justcatchedthisinmycountrykino?

Can i get a fuck you sally?