The Get Down

>Shaolin's the DJ that we call conductors cuz Shaolin Fantastic's a bad mother-

This show had a great payoff, never been interested in hip hop but seeing all the little explanations of the craft in earlier episodes culminate in the finale was so satisfying.

Shame no one seems to give a shit, it picked up so much momentum in the final 3 episodes.

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Just finished it and I loved it. The music choices were pretty nice. I also liked them adding the kung fu stuff in it, like a blaxploitation film. Why aren't there more threads about this? I see tons of Stranger Things threads, but nothing on The Get Down.

I fucking love this show, can't wait for part two.

How do you think Mylene will react to the news that Francisco is her real father? Will Gus try to kill everyone?

guess hip hop/disco musical shows are too niche, also the pilot's pacing is a bit abrasive

thought Mylene was kind of a huge asshole friendzoning Zeke so hard and expecting him to do shit for her

>nigger show
Gee I fucking wonder

>No you're gonna hold me back
>Hey play piano while I get this record producer to notice me
Shao was a bit harsh, but he was right. If it wasn't her way, then go fuck yourself. The minute he shut her out, she caved and fucked him. Mylene was infuriating.

I think the fact that she seemed oblivious to how bullshit her behavior was what made it so ridiculuous

To be fair, they had just narrowly escaped being shot when she told him he was holding her back. Zeke was right to tell her to go fuck herself but I'm glad they both came around. I like that both characters are ambitious and concerned about relationships effecting their goals, it creates a good tension that's pretty realistic amongst black people. That whole "our love is more important than anything" schtick is played the fuck out.

Whoah wtf? Francisco is the real father? When did they mention or implied that? I thought when he was feeling on her under the table meant they were fucking around.

found it irritating not because she rejected but because she lacked a bit of self-awareness - which seems to be a flaw of the character so not so much a critique of the writing as, wow she's a huge asshole.

Have you been paying attention to the dialogue at all?

he told Mylene's mom he's slept alone for 16 years, guess how old Mylene is

>she lacked a bit of self-awareness
Who doesn't at that age?

A smile worth protecting!

as I said, I don't think it's bad writing, just that it does make her very frustrating.

what do you think Will Smith thought of his son's gay scene

Predictions for part 2?
>Mylene and Shaolin fuck
>Pedo lady wants Shao to kill Napoleon
>Gus goes loco
>Jackie ODs
>Zeke says fuck whitey

>there's someone calling about cock

best joke of the series

Thor a cute

>Mylene and Shaolin fuck

the last episode seemed to be going that way

Ahhh shiit... Didn't really think anything of it when he said that. Please tell me the dad actually knows about this. If not, I think he might go Rambo on the whole family.

Of course he doesn't know. Fracisco banged his brothers wife but let him raise the child as his own so as not to break up the marriage.

was it rape?

Bruh Jaden Smith needs to tighten the fuck up. I like him as a person but this weird shit he's been on lately gotta go.

He is such a fucking loveable character.

>So that's why this motherfucker wanted this role so badly
Honestly Dizee was pretty much him, I feel like they told him to be himself and he just went with it. That party was probably his idea.

him putting together Set Me Free on the fly was so great

Yup. It's over for them all once he finds out. He's gonna do some devilish shit to his peoples.

it's like he stepped out of Undercover Brother

When he had to debut it for Cisco at that party, I was scared for him. The look on Cisco face was haunting bruh. Good thing he improvised on the song or that would've been his ass.

He'll probably just give up and go back to wherever the fuck he's from, he already has kids with another woman, back home.

maybe in Albuquerque

> it creates a good tension that's pretty realistic amongst black people.

What are you basing this off of exactly.

it seems rare in a music show that the characters they build up as great musicians can actually put out good original songs, but this one stepped up

I think its easier since the raps are pretty simplistic. Set Me Free was really good for all of that build up.

when that came on during the rap battle it was such a fuck yeah moment, the tracking shots paired great with the DJ moments

being black

>The second they played it they knew they lost
>Crowd goes crazy
>Shao going nuts on the turn tables
They made DJing look so damn intense

God damn this show is hype as fuck.

perfect use of the Star Wars theme too


she really wanted the D

>contemplative kung fu sound effect

It is.... you're thinking about David Guetta that give DJ's a bad name

Grandmaster Flash

No one's really come up with new stuff since him.

also check out DJ Q-Bert

These guys are artists not just DJ. But yeah... it really is kinda intense, there's no other music style like it. Guitars, Piano, singing, drums, there's like a 1000 variations of it world wide. Sitars and mandolins and timbales, and everything, but Scratching... it's only done with one instruments and started by one people.

they did a great job making it look impressive with camera moves, since the person is essentially standing in place it can look really static with the wrong shot choice.

I've only seen a couple episodes but some scenes make me hard as diamonds as far as hype and excitement. It's flashy an fun n shit

>[grand mastery intensifies]

the final episode is hype as fuck

>49 Replies
>7 Posters

OP it's time to give up

I wasn't going to watch this, but now i'll blame Sup Forums when i see it and drop it in 15 minutes because I am a cuck.

Or you know,

just watch the whole thing because it sounds interesting :D

it's not a popular show so it's just gonna be a few people talking, what's wrong with that

DJing is intense. There's so much you can fuck up and so many people to disappoint.

Yeah, crowds turn quickly. I can see why DJs are so hesitant to play new records.