The Night Of

Hahahha he do drugs
In prison

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Very astute observation.

Will Naz and Chondra fuck?

haha he do drug

Better question, will they keep the cat?

Okay so he didn't do it, but he is pretty much fucked already

prison changes you senpaitachi

do you think chandra kissing Nas is a total death blow? What could the prosecutors say about it?

That the guard wasn't doing his job?


So why that guy kill himself in prison?

The guard isn't allowed to be there when he meets with his lawyer

Did they say he threw a coke can at a kid so hard it gave him twelve stitches? What the fuck? Naz can fuckin' throw man.

HAHAHAHHAHA he dos drugs

>BBC was too much

Yea but supervising people so no shady shit happens maybe is part of his "guarding" job?

Btw, Preview for Epi 8, what ya'll think will happen?

is the finale tonight? I'm catching up on the last two eps rn before tonight.

Bad op

next week

Just finished the episode. Amazing. No matter how this series ends this is a solid 9 for me. It's messed with my mind so much over the course of 7 episodes. It's kino.

HAHAHAHHA he do deug

What's Freddie's endgame? To make Naz his goon when he gets out?

>Freddie Night
>The Night Of

At the end of the day Freddie is just trying to survive, just like everybody else.

He used Nas, he'll use whoever comes next.

This show sucks and I'm glad it's over next week.

HAHAHAHHA he do drug

hhahha he so drugs


>have to wait till tomorrow for a torrent

Why does this one show take so long?

Your welcome

No, I'm pretty sure that's how he's going to snake his way out of prison though. Lawyers can't fuck clients or show romantic attachment like that, elsewise I think it's a mistrial. It has to be significant that a Prison Camera caught the kiss

Get out of jail and keep qtpie lawyer? Fuck yeah Naz.

If it's a mistrial then do they release him, though? I was under the impression that even through mistrials, the accused can still stay in prison until their next trial.

Box confirmed for coming out of retirement to find the killer. Before this happens :

>Stone will be murdered
>Chandra will be kicked out the trial
>Freddy makes a play to keep Naz in prison some how

Why did the lawyer kiss him? makes no sense seriously

women don't work like that

hugless virgin

Are you saying women do kiss their clients?

This was a really good episode. Haven't been in love with the series, it's been enjoyable, but it's getting pretty good now.

Not sure what's going to happen. I don't think he's going to get convicted. Part of me wonders if Freddie might murder Naz (not sure why that'd happen), but I think Naz is going be able to go home. Except now he might have a taste for heroin or crack (whatever they've been smoking) and has that stupid knuckle tattoo.

>women aren't attracted to handsome, intelligent men who are strong enough to adapt to a hierchal prison environment


Only if the state dismisses the charges, which they won't. It'll just cost Nasir's family more money.

This isn't what I'm saying at all.

A woman wouldn't kill her client on a fucking cell with no privacy. Let alone a fucking murderer.

If you are gonna meme me, meme me with facts.

it was so out of nowhere too

Agreed, absolute kino

Yeah, and she is trying hard to become a professional. Women take their jobs very seriously when they have that mindset, and the whole atmosphere and stress-free place is important for kissing and whoring in general.

This black ingress in that scene didn't act like a woman would do. After the scene ended I was left wondering if it was in Naz's head or something. Because its definitely a male fantasy.

I loved that hit by Freddy. Quick, bloody, stealthy but public at the same time.

Naz played it smart, didnt snitch until he was asked directly.

Freddie showing he will get his hands dirty despite being on top

Reminding everyone who's on top.

Even if he is acquitted, he'll be fucked for the rest of his life. He's not a celebrity like OJ was who had a ton of money around to live off of. Look at Casey Anthony now. Either way, everyone will know who he is, and he'll never be able to live a normal life in the real world. His parents are still going to be known as the parents of someone who went on trial for the world to see for murdering someone. Its a lose/lose for him.

This nIva never in jail

He has another soldier in his crew, on the outside

point taken, user

this show has fallen apart in the last two episodes, its hilarious

I don't even feel bad for NAS anymore. He is smuggling drugs into prison and just assisted in a murder. I know he is doing what he has to do to survive in there, but I no longer feel sympathy for him.

I have no problems with the drugs and the murder.
The tattoo and smoking though? Yes.

there is literally nothing wrong with getting tattoos and smoking heroin

I hope they do another season of this and take the TD route with it and do something different.

what the fuck is up with the groups taking hours to release this fucking showing on usenet? every week it takes hours upon hours for this shit to come out

except when you're on trial for murder and you're trying not to look guilty

Upgrade to a premium account

They probably take their time encoding it.

every single other show i watch never has this happen, only rarely when someone fucks something up and they need to redo it

unless the real killer is caught

no there's something about this show because the following shows show up on time : ballers and vice principals

i think it has something to do with the name of the show. I think uploaders use bots? now or whatever and it brings up the uk version which has already aired and we get nothing.

i'm sure they would have figured that out a few weeks ago. every week it comes out hours after the show ends. usually most shows come up within an hour, this show is taking like a minimum of 3. never seen anything like it.

I swear I heard the Clockwork Orange theme tonight.

When Freddie and Naz are in the cell together, and Freddie says "You got something you want to tell me about Petey?" and Nas says "Ya.."

The first bar of music after that is the same as the first bar in the Clockwork Orange theme, and I entirely believe it is intentional. Think Alex is guilty but gets set free at the end, Nas will be guilty but gets set free at the end..

It's there. Just listen.

well last week or week before it came out just 3hrs after instead of usual 24hrs after

>Why does this one show take so long?

it's very high quality, so it takes longer to encode

double dubs fuck u what is it 4k or something

Wishing a TD route for anyshow, what the fuck is wrong with you?

i was doing a play on words about video quality and show quality.

if you asked me (double dubs man) to speculate on why the show takes longer than Vice Principals to come out, maybe the person in the group releasing it doesnt like this show and it isn't a priority for him to get out, so it has lowest priority in his encode queue.

we've all seen criminal justice right?

>speculation time

wrap this shit up in one more episode? fat chance. they gonna Sopranos this shit.

the show's main theme is the effects the criminal justice system has on a person. guilt is irrelevant. expect the final spode to continue this trend. i bet the director wanted to not even name the true killer, but HBO said fuck you the audience would hate us. so we'll get the detective coming out of retirement to confront and kill them, like the end of The Departed where Marky Mark kills Matt Damon.

Or.. as part of their big statement on Justice in America, Nas gets found guilty despite reasonable doubt. Shortly after, his lawyers convince the detective to pursue the serial killer angle of the other woman killed (remember her?) and in 4 minutes they pin the murder on the funeral guy. Nas is freed, but his life is fucked because everyone thinks he was convicted of murder and that's all they remember. With no future, he begins doing dirt for Freddie on the outside. Credits Roll.

>did you know how much naz had to pay for adderall?
>25 cents!
>which you had to pay 10 DOLLARS FOR!
>he made a 3000% profit!


she was trying to make it seem like Nas had ripped him off or taken advantage of him or something. But as a business major, he more than most people understands free markets and supply and demand. If Nas is the only person who has pills, and you want those pills, he can charge as much as he wants.

It could have been effective if he was charging certain people more or something, but as someone who has bought many drugs in his life, it made little sense to me why this was supposed to trigger anyone.

It triggered me I'm still squirming in my seat with rage

You are forgetting the white guy bodybuilder

sounds like a poster child for american capitalism

> how often did you buy drugs from Nas?
> m-midterms and f-finals
> and sometimes for p-parties
> so, all the time then?
> (cucknod)

bitch that ain't often! that is tylenol-tier usage. i hope a real addict stabs you with an aids needle.

i think he is a red herring. he is just a violent douche. he is mad at Stone for possibly interfering with his greybush banging racket. a scheming murderer wouldn't try to intimidate a lawyer like that.

rip ip petey

I can't tell if that last scene was Naz snitching because he's fucking done with prison culture and he wants his mom's trust back and wants to bang his lawyer or if it's just another act of prison culture. Really makes me think.

this episode was cringe

Not one comment about how his second knuckles says, "BAD"

Like SINBAD the Midde Eastern Sailor. Seriously look how Sinbads SEVENTH voyage relates to this seventh episode.

>The ever-restless Sinbad sets sail once more, with the usual result. Cast up on a desolate shore, he constructs a raft and floats down a nearby river to a great city. Here the chief of the merchants weds Sinbad to his daughter, names him his heir, and conveniently dies

Another day in Jail under the wing of Freddie is the same old shit leaving him stuck doing the bidding of everyone else. He quickly rises to second in command when conveniently Beard Blackie is murdered for being a faggot.

NAh mark my words he's the killer

Continuing on

>Burton includes a variant of the seventh tale, in which Haroun al-Rashid asks Sinbad to carry a return gift to the king of Serendib. Sinbad replies, "By Allah the Omnipotent, O my lord, I have taken a loathing to wayfare, and when I hear the words 'Voyage' or 'Travel,' my limbs tremble". He then tells the Caliph of his misfortune filled voyages; Haroun agrees that with such a history "thou dost only right never even to talk of travel".

Haroun al-Rashid = Freddie
Sinbad = Naz

Freddie asks Naz to bring in the drugs, and Naz complies with all of his needs no matter what as if he is devoted. When he hears he might be convicted guilty he gets scared (preview for next episode) He will tell Freddie about what happened in the next episode and we will know for sure if Naz killed that girl or not.
And freddie will respond, that in prison you keep your mouth shut.

Was just about to say this...

With the attachment of the fairy tail ending:
qt good hearted non Muslim gf will let Naz mooch of her while he neets his way back into society, while also getting sex on the daily.

he already snitched though


>Sinbad's master is so pleased with the huge quantities of ivory in the graveyard that he sets Sinbad free, and Sinbad returns to Baghdad, rich with ivory and gold. "Here I went in to the Caliph and, after saluting him and kissing hands, informed him of all that had befallen me; whereupon he rejoiced in my safety and thanked Almighty Allah; and he made my story be written in letters of gold. I then entered my house and met my family and brethren: and such is the end of the history that happened to me during my seven voyages. Praise be to Allah, the One, the Creator, the Maker of all things in Heaven and Earth!".

Freddie is happy with Naz's compliance and will be happy to hear Naz will return to him in prison. He'll confess he murdered that girl and Freddie will tell him it doesn't matter and that he will continue to protect him. Naz will thank Freddie for his services and remain in Jail until he is released.

I know.

The courtroom scenes are all so comfy. I like that they don't show the jury at all, just the characters.

It makes The People vs OJ seem so overwrought.

was that the show with cuba?

the courtroom was cringey as fuck

Who killed the junkie bitch?


Why is the prosecutor so bad at acting?

where is the fucking torrent

i dunno about that stepfather

Oh I think he's nice

>personal trainer
>trapeze artist
>2nd floor window was open

The motive is obvious, now we know how he got in too.
Im not buying that it was some random, the setup was clearly done by someone who knew his way around.

Do you guys think if I stab a girl 22 times I could get a lawyer to kiss me? I'm lonely

This. Taking forever. Longer than usual in my case anyways.

you gotta get jail swole first.

maybe thats just how prosectors really are

If you do more than that you might even get on the cover of rolling stone.

Call of the wild

Pretty weird yeh