Did you do a lot of research into the world of white supremacists before filming Imperium?

>Did you do a lot of research into the world of white supremacists before filming Imperium?
>Radcliffe: Yeah, quite a bit. I watched a few documentaries. Spent some time reading message boards of some white supremacy groups.

>Did you post on those message boards?
>I did not! No, absolutely not. I didn’t want to get into that. But it was more about getting a sense of how the non-intellectual elite of the movement talk to each other and talk about things. The biggest insight it gave me was the extent to which everything is [believed to be] a fucking part of this global conspiracy.

>What surprised you about that world?
>How diverse—diverse is a strange word to use—but how diverse the beliefs were. Like, the fact that there are some people who believe the Bible is the word of God. And there are some people who believe the Bible is just another extension of Jewish propaganda and was invented by Jews to subjugate non-Jewish people.


What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


smoking a ton of weed right now and now that he is asleep,I can go over the kitchen and have some stuff that like an wild animal

>he didn't even method act and become a prominent poster

What a fag

do you think he lurked Sup Forums?

I actually think Radcliffe is good guy and a good actor.

That there's Christfag whites supremacists and there Vikingfag white supremacists.

He unwittingly took a few redpills. Only a matter of time, now....

I look so much like Daniel Radcliffe it's not even funny.

Do you think I could get work as a stunt double?

He and Jon Hamm were based in A Young Doctor's Notebook

why didnt you add a fucking pic of yourself to that comment?

were you this desperate for a (You)

sounds like he lurked Sup Forums but Sup Forums is an ironic board BUT some normie retards who dont know that its an ironic board start molding their life by what Sup Forums says.
I'm black, I post on Sup Forums as a Trump supporter and white supremacist.
I give zero shits about politics or shit like BLM and the KKK i just do it for the luls.

based user
downloading now

>I did not!

Are manlets really THIS transparent?

It's obvious he sympathized and understood the white supremacist position. It actually makes more sense than the black supremacist movement because white and supremacy are are a biological axiom.

daily reminder

I need to take a new one and don't really feel like it.

Is it really that critical to the question? Or are you just looking to have a fap at my expense?

fug forgot pic

want to know how I know you're from Reddit?


Sup Forums is a board of peace.

I didn't see it
Does it drop any redpills?

Does it talk about welfare rates? Or why black people get thrown in prison so much? (Or that it's a recurring thing country by country?)

Or are they just

What? No way!

There is literally nothing wrong with being a white supremacist.

after watching Imperium, I'm thankful for organizations like the NSA, we are so worried about ISIS and AL-Quaeda but we forget that the real terrorist are here in our neighborhoods, our schools and our churches.

>And there are some people who believe the Bible is just another extension of Jewish propaganda and was invented by Jews to subjugate non-Jewish people.
HOLY SHIT he has to be careful what he's saying.

No doubt I bet he did a lot of research on what neo nazis believe and even visited Sup Forums as afterall he said he went to message boards to get to know white socialists

No. You might get work as a celebrity impersonator, but looking like one specific celebrity, while having no training in the wide variety of skills needed for stunt work will not help you get work as a stunt double. But even if you were Jackie Chan it still wouldn't matter, because without having strong connections, or preferably being related to someone already in the field, you will seriously never break into it.

I'm hesitant to watch this because 99% of me knows it's going to do an American History X and flip the ending. I just don't like the timing of this release. In a time where it's finally cool to hate white people, I feel like this movie just adds to the shit pile.

Delete this post immediately. I do NOT want to see anti-white nationalist content on ANY board. I'm not fucking kidding.

Wait do they actually have neo nazis plotting to bomb a place in this movie?

HAHAHAHAHA as if that would ever happen

It turns out the bad guys were rich privileged white engineers the whole time.

Radcliffe is great as usual, but the movie is shit politics wise.

I guess this can be put into the list of "movies ruined by the 3rd act"

You're in for a treat. Based show that feels unique.

Please delete this.

What this user said vvvv
However, if Radcliffe ever films something relatively near you, a lot of productions will hire stand-ins in local areas. If you look like him and are around his build, you'd be on set a lot and get sides and get introduced around. It can be a good time.
>source: I'm an actor

Make way for the real redpill film coming up






because Daniel is discussing what he has learnt from white socialists (when the movie itself is biased I hear and doesn't actually tell you truth)

This was from newsweek.

So now they're doing buzzweek/vox style
reporting? This is first-year-out-of-UMass
startup level writting.


>mfw Daniel does a Ben Affleck live debate on white socialist politics and offends everyone

>In a time where it's finally cool to hate white people,

t. feminized white male

>did you interact with any of them, try to talk to them at all?
>what? oh god, heavens no! that would be racist as fuck!

im turning into the joker lads. ill be laughing all the way to the end.

it shows what Sup Forums believes and what they call being redpilled means which is basically being a racist retard and muh master race.
oh no, but im a "smart" racists, I read some books and I listen to classical music, yeah thats right ;).
and Harry potter goes undercover, he doesn't believe what Sup Forums believes, he wants to stop them from hurting people.
the movie shows everything that Sup Forums believes which makes them look even more retarded and shows that Sup Forums isnt red pilled at all, just a bunch of racist insecure, scared, racists.
>the jews! ITS ALL THE JEWS
>boycott the jews
>the Jews use government and religion to control everyone
>the JEWS!!
Sup Forums literally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
I lost my shit when they said, racist is codeword for anti white

What does this movie trigger neckbeards so badly? Only they seem offended

What's being an actor like? Any tips on making it in the industry?

>t. feminized white male

>implying that doesn't support our arguments even more

>it turns out that the bad guys controlling all the money and powerewere the ones with all the money and power the whole time

where's the joke? is there a joke somewhere here?

how can someone type so much, but say so little?

The thing is, Poe's Law goes in effect rather quickly. Like how stormbabies first invaded around '09, early '10 cause they saw people saying (funny) racist shit to drive off normies and 4tehLULZ.

Are there really individuals who believe the downfall of civilization will happen soon due to 'liberal anarchists'? That the joos really are out to destroy 'the white race'? Seriously, every time I go there I see some outlandish shit, and I'm unsure if it's real or not.

Fuck me.

wow, you're trying really hard to convert Sup Forums to Reddit. You even used racism b8

He meant that he looked into white supremacy and realized that white supremacists have different views on why they choose that lifestyle.

It was pretty clear, user.



surprised you didnt call him a jew kike nigger, too obvious?

There is a 50% chance he is already beginning to harbor some interest and that with a couple of years he will be redpilled

Not joking, that's how it happened to me. I originally was a mega liberal and browsed pol as a joke to be shocked at all the horrors of the internet. Within a single year practically all of my beliefs changed as a direct result of starting to read it more and more.

hey daniel rattcliff should cast a spell in em or somethin

What's your point? Are you really so retarded that you don't understand that other people don't share your hilarious confirmation biases, and thus don't infer the same connections that you infer? You Sup Forums types are so mind-blowingly unintelligent.

Also, even in the event that the connections you're proposing were valid, you'd still need to look up what an ad hominem is, you fat, brain dead piece of shit.

Its like pottery

Hi jidf.

he's basically saying that he was surprised that not all white power guys are the same exact people. the fact that he had to do research to figure this out doesn't necessarily make him out to be a smart guy. of course everyone has their own ideology.

>Like how stormbabies first invaded around '09, early '10

nice >facts you have there, stop trying to twist the sites history to your own retarded lefty narrative

>Sup Forums

I didn't believe in jewish cointelpro until now.

shalom, divide and conquer my friend

Oy vey.


>get btfo

>post useless image made by Reddit

you're just digging yourself deeper into a hole

>I originally was a mega liberal and browsed pol as a joke to be shocked at all the horrors of the internet. Within a single year practically all of my beliefs changed as a direct result of starting to read it more and more.

So, how does it feel to be the ultimate sheep?

George Soros also funds anti-Israel groups. Fuck off JIDF.


There are different ways. Find your niche. Always be careful when decided what to work on - research the team working on it. It helps to know a little about the technical stuff, especially when first beginning. Pay attention to lighting technique, camera quality, etc. - you'll learn how a professional-looking film is made and it'll save you from getting involved in projects that turn out horrible and embarrassing. Having standards on what you will and won't do is good. Don't be an asshole, but don't be a ass-kisser either. Avoid talking shit about other industry professionals in all instances, unless you genuinely feel obliged to warn a friend not to work with a certain person or team. Nothing will ever ensure you will 'make it' aside from having a family member already successfully working, so be prepared for the long run (and only do it if you really enjoy acting).

not surprised this is all you could come up with. reddit is down the hall and to the left.

Finances and media, dipshit. Finances and media. But you're probably a retard so whatever.

>It's a reddit tries to rewrite the sites history again episode


You're extremely unintelligent though. The only difference between when I first found Sup Forums and now is that I went from seeing you as the dumbest people I've ever witnessed communicating to the right wing version of SJWs and also the dumbest people I've ever witnessed communicating.

What Radcliffe hinted at in that interview, which indicates that he'd never be "red-pilled," is that he understands what the confirmation bias and selection bias fallacies are. That's really all you need to understand to grasp the full extent of how stupid Sup Forums types are.

David Duke is extremely pro-Palestine. Actual neo-nazi groups (i.e. jobbiks, German National Democrats, etc.) take it one step further and are pro-muslim (pic related).

Somebody's triggered.

Shut up faggot.

Sup Forums is anti middle east. Kill Israel. Kill Palestine.

>Name the neckbeard
>Gets triggered

That pic is never wrong

>be a tripfag and ruin your reputation as an actor for posting on a racist Tibetan female genital mutilation imageboard

How goes the systematic oppression and genocide of the Palestinian people?

>someone challenges my warped views of reality

>Everything that triggers me is reddit

What do you think you accomplish with this pathological lying towards people who were actually here for it? Moon landing deniers, holocaust deniers, neo-nazis, [insert borderline retarded confirmation bias group here] were shit on for most of this site's history. It slowly became infested by alt-right SJWs and is now arguably the least intelligent forum on the internet. Making these infantile posts will never actually change history, though I know that sort of schizophrenic delusion is inherent to Sup Forums brainwashing.

Not a sheep, still think a lot of the shit on there is retarded and always will, but the fact is I was an utterly brainwashed liberal sheep all my life like most young males are taught to be nowadays, and with 95% of all mass media being liberal charged, having an introduction of less liberal sources and information made me discover a lot of new things and change my positions, mainly things which were founded on the more reasonable side of things in Sup Forums mainly economic shit.

The board may have a lot of crazy stuff on it for sure (mostly memes though), but there is some shit in there that is genuinely well-rounded that you would never hear if you were just a classic moron exclusively reading liberal news outlets. If you are incapable of seeing that, the only unintelligent and worthless sheeple here are you.

Only a matter of time now.

until w-what?

They make good beachballs

05 here and you reddit scum are full of shit.

Pools closed, nigger.

you sound really arrogant and assblasted that some people hold right wing opinions, calm down Mr. thought officer

this looks exactly like my workplace lmao, except no reddit drawing obviously

You should go in front of a mirror if you have one and read these two posts to yourself out loud.
Then find someone to bitchslap you, you need a good slap on the face.

>I'm proud to be a spineless, collectivist pack animal.

haha, what does that have to do with Sup Forums again? Also, David Duke is a forerunner of anti-revisionism of islamic sources. That's why he's the ultimate hot potato for jewish people like you. He's a hindrance but he is one of the first to correctly identify islam as a militant doctrine.

About that, user

Well said.

Every time it's the same bullshit from you faggots.