What went wrong?



It started off strong, showing cool cultural stuff, but with just enough action

then it devolved into got shit where everyone is stabbing each other in the back

Cheat on his wife and he killed Jesus

>let's go to england
>you know what, forget england, tis a silly place
>paris here we come


his brother betraying him 7 times every season

>we need diversity on this show.
>Ok, well the Vikings traded with Moors and Arabs...
>Let's have Ragnar fuck a Chinese girl.

This this this.

It's called Vikings not England. They involved the English way too much on season 3 and 4. Not enough viking.

the real life Ragnar traveled extensively up and down the coasts of Europe and Britain, and was a thorn in the side of both the French and various British kingdoms.

there are too many problems to count with this show, but the vikings zipping around to many different locations isn't really one of them

The real life Ragnar is completely unconfirmed. Literally norse legend. That's not to say he WASN'T real, just that there is no way anyone can state for certain what the real ragnar did or did not do.

Nothing. Show is basedaf. Two was strongest, but the back end of four starting soon is looking fresh.

At least there's Last Kingdom but not back till 2017.

Last Kingdom is so much fucking better than this show.


If only floki killed him sooner he wouldn't have poisoned Ragnars mind with his herecy

>next last kingdom season will have finan being introduced and uhtred being sold into slavery and finally becoming a decent character
very excited m8


It got picked up by Netflix so hopefully it will have a bigger budget for season 2.

Also 10 books worth of decent material, though two already been burned through. Still, hopefully it's around for a while.

Is the author done with the series?

He's still going I think. Uhtred is like 50 in the latest book

>fuck athelstan
>floki should have killed him sooner

couldn't agree more, fucking hated that little shit

okay, the real life tall tale who may or may not have existed Ragnar traveled extensively etc etc

>Uhtred is like 50 in the latest book

Whelp here comes the make up.


I thought the various Ragnar legends were spread over 200 years? so its impossible they were all one guy

>uhtred is 50, has alfreds daughter as his side bitch, most of wessex and mercia depends on him in times of war and still fucks up danish warlords that are half his age
he gets pretty fucking awesome, shame they got a manlet actor to play him on the show

so just Lagertha?

This is p good on tabletop simulator.

forced women in battle scenes to the point of being retarded. I just gave up on it at that point, and the king conspiracies were getting good too.


The Chinese lady arc was the dumbest, most pointless shit the show has pulled and they could have easily done it with another type of woman or even an Asian woman, just from the steppe and not an actual Chinese princess.

>falling for the norsejew

they're on a channel where they can and have shown tits and pussy and ass but we've seen none of those from lagertha. that's what went wrong.

Dunno how the fuck Floki is still standing. Weaselly cunt needs to pay.

Too stronk for any of that. Too busy cutting off dicks.

nah he did good

I fucking hated athelstan

fuck off floki no one likes you


like I give a shit, glad I killed you, u indecisive pussy

ur fukin dead when jesus rises kiddo

Fuckin Christian scum

worst character in the series

t. Athelstan,

how's hell working out for u?

I-I don't know I've only seen through the third season I believe? Pls don't spoil it.

Jesus didn't fuck people's wives

Ragnar dies

