Or as I've taken to calling it, "Congolombia"

or as I've taken to calling it, "Congolombia"

Ban all Australians

The Congo River does not run through Colombia

>American education

Don't be rude user

my ancestors :)

Son you need to git gud at this before considering using a trip.


>American education

have you seen famous "river of five colors"?

that's what happens when you put blue over the part that should be yellow, it ends up green

Send mo' lithuanians plox.

We only have Antanas Mockus

No, it's in the middle of nowhere.

Yes, it's in Colombia - or as I've taken to calling it, "Congolombia"

We should change our name to that one. It's more catchy and more in accordance to our reality

K you did the joke once. Didn't catch. And it's awkward coming from a descendant of criminals to make fun of descendants of kidnapped people for profit. You are not allowed to "banter" with it. Kindly fuck off.

Or as I've taken to calling it, "Congolombia"

or as I've taken to calling it, "East New Zealand"

Will you invest your dollarydoos in a campaign to change our name to congolombia?

what is the problem with congolombia? they have tons of cocaine and shiet

I will invest every one of my Centrelink denars.