Is Keeping Up With the Kardashians a good show?

Is Keeping Up With the Kardashians a good show?

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Khloe is best Kardashian

Khloe is a Simpson ,not a kardashian

Yes, if only to watch them be hypocrites.

>that episode where they find a homeless man outside their shop
>bring him home
>give him a haircut, shower, new clothes
>dump him back out on the street again

your retarded



Operation Dragon

something like that is translated version,for litteral
don't know what the book is about

I don't understand the appeal besides to see how seriously fucked up this family is or how peple watch

>the model younger girl comes back home, apparently has a dog
>the dog shit in a closet all over the place
>Kim walking in there but doesn't pick it up
>the mom gagging like it's death, kim gagging like it's a cock in her mouth
>the model girl doesn't pick it up and just keeps playing with the dog

Honestly the only ones that are funny is the drunk dude and the younger mom kardashian. That bitch is pretty level headed compared to OJ daughter and Kim

Which Kardashian has the most beautiful feet?

its super comfy and funny so yeah its good
E! airs like daily marathons so its super easy to have in background and laugh

Retarded cuck

>grrr i just hate this show and how retarded it is and how retarded anyone is that watches it
>let me watch it and then further talk about it how much i hate it

human hypocrisy/literal retardation, man.

seriously what does that family do? other than vacation/party/sex on tape???
what benefits have they done to society?
i understand (from people vs oj) that the family was put into the limelight by the father being on the oj's defense.
what the fuck america?
why? why? why?


My wife watches that shit. They're voices make me want to tear my ears of of my head.

Chrisley Knows Best is true reality kino

Entertainment. Look it up it's kind of a thing you pretentious redditor

i would eat her bum hole for sexual pleasure i dont care that its all fake im so horny

i'm curious if the production team is laughing their asses off behind closed doors (and editing) while having dolla dolla bills rain on them from the network getting millions and millions from advertisers and the stupid masses that watch this.

also curious if the family knows they're just a laughing stock/viewed as a inbred family at a circus.

People STILL do this "hurr durr im too smart for this xD" shit in 2009+7????

never been to that site, or care to.
keeps assuming. you'll make it one day.
one day.

You retard or something? The show is about famous people being famous. The show first aired back in 2007, there's a consistency to the blandness

oh my god. there is just so much wrong with this trainwreck of a reddit post.

>the masses
>implying you're special and smarter than le dumb masses
>laughing stock
>yet you seem to be really engaged in further talking about them

again, human hypocrisy. you're the only pretentious retard here that has 0 self awareness

Is based Scott Disick still on the show?


If I'm not mistaken, Kim K was actually pretty upset a few years ago when people kept questioning her as to why she is famous when she doesn't do shit. She was in tears about it.

Fast forward a few years, and she hasn't done anything about that.

Really though, it's just entertainment. My sister leaves the show on in the background and I don't really mind it. The women have some fat asses though. I know they're fake, but sometimes I can't help but sneak a peek.

>that high-pitched voice

Also such pale imitation for connoisseurs of dubsposting

I came here for ass

Where's the ass

Kim Kardashian and Kanye are worshiped what are you talking about

They can do no wrong. They shit gold

I think you underestimate how many people watch that shitty show and how much people suck their cocks for just being a basic ass rich family. Its for people stuck in a high school mentality who want to walk in the fart trails of the popular kids

That was just cringe.

Photoshop in the ass... where?

If you're a 13 to 24 year old female than yes.
If your a male now unless you are a gay fag.

They use to live in a regular house and do regular stupid reality show things in the first few seasons. Like taking an acting class or "accidently" taking viagra or opening a store. It was ok for background noise while you cleaned cus you dont have to really be into the show.

Now its just about their fake relationships and their fake drama. The whole show is just shady.

Literally Im sooooo over it.


I disagree.
I think it can be decent television in bursts of 2-15 minutes for young boys aged 10-14 with limited private internet access.

The kardashians always "keep me up" if you get what i am saying

Haha sex with women!