Children of Men

Is it just me or is this movie prophetic as fuck
>Islamic hordes
>rampant batshitcrazy liberals
>refugees popping out the wazoo

But in all seriousness, whats your opinion on this movie and why is it so amazing?
Any more essential Cuaron Core?

inb4 prisoner of Azkaban

Other urls found in this thread:

well at least you'll never have children

It's funny because all the stuff I drew from it was similar to you, but from what I've read we were supposed to get the exact opposite feeling from the movie.

>implying spawning children in this shithole planet is such a fucking blessing

Y tu Mama Tambien is his best work.
A Little Princess is worth checking out too, but it's more of a family/kids movie.

Yes well done there are religious tones. Camerawork is amazing. Clive Owen is awesome. Music is on point. Message isn't hammered into your face but it makes it's point. The scene in OP is literally breathtaking.

overall 9.5/10

All these issues were occurring when the movie (and book) was made, it's just that normies didn't notice/care because the economy was good.

So is Cuaron pro or anti lefty ideals?
Cause the movie doesnt make their side look good at all.

>tfw when no bff Michael Caine to smoke pot and listen to post industrial harshnoise with :(

Cuaron is a fucking thief.

It always baffles me how radically different the book and movie are. I read the book after I watched it and basically 90% of the movie is original content

>So is Cuaron pro or anti lefty ideals?

Hard to say. I see evidence for both.

On one hand, The Fishes (the lefty militants) are portrayed in a bad light. On the other hand I think Cuaron is mostly criticizing their violence and radicalism not their ideals. Also a black woman is literally the last hope for humanity.

Also the right wing military brit is portrayed negatively and his compatriots that control the Bexhill refugee camp are portrayed as basically fascists.

Then again all the foreigners are portrayed as leeches and violent and the black girl relies 100% on the white male to literally carry her through the entire movie. Also culture is depicted as "dying" when they visit the art museum.

Cuaron doesn't obviously reveal his position (which is why the movie is liked by both sides), but I tend to think he's a lefty and is pro-refugee. He's just honest enough to know that there are serious drawbacks too the niggering of Europe.

>I watch the trailer 10 years ago
>just about 4 months ago i watch it for the first time
>mfw I realize i chose the right time to watch it

I like this post

>Also a black woman is literally the last hope for humanity.
She's also a "native" brit, though.
Not a refugee.

If a refugee would save the world, it's different.

>user you fucking wanka, why dont you bring your gobshite little fanny over here and cum in my tallyho

would you?

"Fanny" means pussy in Britain, user

And then you read how Zika lives in sperm for at least 6 months...

Only poor people get Zika, so it's NBD

>She's also a "native" brit, though

No she isn't. She's just been in Britain a while and picked up the accent. She's an illegal immigrant, which is why she needs the Fishes to smuggle her to the human project in the first place. She's afraid the government will kill her because they don't want a "fugee" to save the human race.

From the wiki:

Clare-Hope Ashitey as Kee, an illegal immigrant and the first pregnant woman in eighteen years.

OP forgot the other prophecy:

>Angry white men who can't procreate

They are carried by mosquitos m8. Every place with mosquitos will have it soon. It's just happened to start in poor places. Is already circulating in the south. Also recently it has been shown to transmit human-to-human sexually. AIDS started as disease only poor fags got. Then it blew up into plague that affected every one and still risks anyone who is sexually active.

>She's just been in Britain a while and picked up the accent
She's supposed to be liked under 20 right?
She must have been there as a child.
And that's practically native.
Her parents are the sinners, not her.

>zika virus
>false flagging
>europe in ruins by 2030


This. Liberals killing and manipulating people to further their cause,

Read the book too, was surprised as well. The Author also said she liked the adaptation

We're up to clusters in Miami beach and a couple hundred in California.

Aedes aegypti has a range including half the US, Spain & North Africa, plus Poo in Loo Land.

Fancy a holiday? Any immigrants in your town? Ever get a mosquito bite?

Zika will not go away

Heres why

To be fair, AIDS *is* a gay disease. Look at transmission and carrier rates.

Turns out, anal is dirty. Who knew?

Then why isn't there Malaria in Canada?
On Dengue fever?

These things don't spread as much as you think they do.

Besides, AIDS is not even a problem for straight white people.
For once, it's rare in white people in general.
And second, during straight sex, there's only something like 0.05% chance of it being transmitted.

If you're white and straight, you're far more likely to be hit a car

>We're up to clusters in Miami beach and a couple hundred in California.
Gee if only there was something in common between those two places...
Some kind of... demographic in common.

Remember that Zika doesn't transfer from person to person unless by blood/sex, and only from a man to a woman.
If you don't live in a shithole you have literally nothing to worry about.

I'm such a pathetic piece of shit that I once paused it on the image of her tits and jacked off.

this. caera gork is god tier in this film, and this scene gives a tear to the eye.

also it's quite a thought provoking film imagining what the world would become is no one could have children. Humans would be facing extinction so why give a fuck anymore.

one of my all time fav films

The film is clearly pro-refugee/pro-open borders

It just also recognises that the kind of radical lefties who push that are often massive cunts themselves. Please bare in mind that Cuaron is a Mexican immigrant living the UK so that clearly colours his opinion. Still like the film though.

>The film is clearly pro-refugee/pro-open borders

The movie isn't taking a stance of refugees.
It's saying that everything is going to shit because there aren't any children being born anymore.
Poor uneducated parts of the world that need 3+ kids per woman to survive immediately collapse.
That's what it's saying.
Not some "Tsk tsk, looks like Britain is finally paying for its imperialism".

If you pay attention to the news stories throughout the film they indicate that places around the world have been subjected to nuclear bombardment, including a large portion of Africa.

So these refugees are fleeing a literal apocalypse and they get stomped on by the Fourth Reich as soon as they land in the last haven left on earth, which is full of rich whites the film goes to pains showing have a lot of space and resources on their hands. One of them even lives in a factory that references the anti-capitalist "Animals" by Pink Floyd.

>which is full of rich whites the film goes to pains showing have a lot of space and resources on their hands. One of them even lives in a factory that references the anti-capitalist "Animals" by Pink Floyd.
But it also shows that life is shit for them too.
Just a different kind of shit.
No one is happy anywhere.

They aren't trying to say "Look how much happiness those rich fucks are hoarding".

It's saying "There is no point to anything if there's no future"

The film is portraying a hypothetical scenario; there's no indication that it endorses any specific political message. If I create a universe wherein refugees from third world countries are flooding into first world countries for safety and (accurately) portray those refugees being treated poorly due to logistic issues or any of the other myriad inevitable issues which would arise in that situation, I haven't betrayed any agenda. That's you projecting your dull personality and obsession with identity politics onto geniuses who actually create things, rather than just whine about people with brown skin all day.

>wake up
>cry about liberals and brown people on Sup Forums
>watch a movie, spend the entire duration trying to connect it to identity politics and my persecution complex to cry about it on Sup Forums
>cry about liberals and brown people on Sup Forums under the pathetically unsubtle cover of discussing the movie i just "watched"
>go to sleep

The life of a Sup Forums cunt. No wonder they're so insufferable.

anybody else getting this optical illusion effect on the creases of her pants near her groin

it looks like its moving

We have reached over 7 billion people on the planet.

It is time we stop breeding or hopefully nature does stop babies being born just like this film

Xika, my friend. The environmental governors are kicking in. First we had a diseases that just flat-out killed us. Now we have a disease that just causes birth defects and sterility.

But only among poor people.
Thank you White Jesus

If me and her were the last two fertile human beings on earth, I'd let humanity die.

I'll let you lookup population projections for the next century by continent.

Guess which one is exponential while the rest are flat.

In the book it's the men that grow infertile, not women.
And that is also something that is happening. Men are becoming less and less fertile and we don't know why yet.

Tighty whities.
Not kidding.

Sperm needs to be made at a specific temperature.
No warmer, no colder.

That's why mammals have scrotums (scroti? scrotes?)
They're a heat management system.
Lower away from the body to cool. Raise up to warm.

If you have tight underwear, your testes can't maintain optimal temperature.

So as the world becomes more and more Westernized, more and more men are wearing tight underwear.
Therefore average sperm count goes down

If you ignore the details of the hypothetical situation (in a film that tells half of it's story through them) of course you will never understand the film's intent.

I didn't lay down any politics, you projected your opposite onto me, probably because you mistakenly thought I was attacking the film.

I think it's very possible I may have children someday, but I'm very conflicted about bringing my children into the world the way it is now. There have always been struggles - I don't necessarily need it to be perfectly easy - and if anything being too comfy isn't good for people as we're all learning - but I just don't know how I could honestly tell my children it's going to be okay out there. I'm pretty convinced it's all very steeply downhill from here, for everyone.

He's left as fuck.
Source: His Oscar speech

Malaria isn't unheard of in Canada. In fact loads of people died of malaria during the building of the Rideau canal in Ottawa, it was the most common cause of death for workers

But no one wears tighty whities except maybe elderly men.

>all the angry ledditors shitting on OP for making connections

leddit detected

I dunno what's worse, ledditors or poltards

Are you joking?

They're two sides of the same shitty coin

That meme has been pushed since the 1970s you know. They thought the same thing when your parents were fucking.

Just be glad they didn't fall for the meme.

Every dude I know under the age of 50 wears boxer briefs

Gynocenric leftist feminist propaganda. Nothing more, aside from a couple of impressive elements of production

>he blows every dude he knows under the age of 50

The only thing it missed out on was the world reducing women back into being furniture because without their reproductive capability they're basically useless, weakling sacks of meat. Enslaved females should have been part and parcel of such a world, used for servitude and busting nuts in, with nothing even remotely resembling a human right as a facet of their existence. After centuries of using their wombs to establish dominance over men, the revenge backlash once they'd lost the only bullet in their gun would make how women lived in the 1800s look like a liberal paradise.

calm down there Elliot Rodger

nah, brazilian here.
only poor people get zika. try spotting richies in leblon with zika.

>He doesn't

Cmon dude every guy over the age of 50 takes forever to cum. Have some standards

>An African is the one who gives birth to save the human race
What did nature mean by this?

>godtier s-f kino

That everything builds from the lowest denominator.

to be fair his rampage movie was pure kino

>not stomping the life out of the negro child so that humanity can die with some dignity instead of becoming a brown shitfest

The Clive Owen I met at rallies would've done it. He changed, man.

>they both don't like things
>they must be the same hurr

Thanks for that. Was damn interesting.

Just downloaded it.
Never seen it before.

Anyone up for a stream?

>Tunnel Rats
Those are his Kino series

Can you download Imperium? I wanna watch that

The Harry Potter neo nazi movie if you didn't know what it is


This is literally going to happen if Hillary gets elected


>Cuaron directed A Little Princess

Dat Brexit hat



This is why I am too scared to go to Europe. You never know when a bomb may go off

>Ywn drink cheap beer with Syd in a run-down rural southern english pub after a hard days work of beating new shitskin arrivals senseless at the state-sponsored Bexhill concentration camp

Why live?

>still driving a 2006 Megane in 2027

what does it mean?

>he hasn't heard of the pigs flying joke

Yfw Mosley was right

Plenty of people still drive cars from the 90s

>world in state of complete collapse
>Britain barely hanging on thanks to extreme measures
>Liberals want to open the doors to the entire world and sink the lifeboat

Seems about right.

Imagine if Theo's dad was a gun-hoarding prepper rather than a spineless hippie, he would have driven the bolshevists out of his bugout complex and survived rather than be executed in the most defenseless and pathetic manner humanly possible

Yes the movie was very prophetic.
With regards to the immigrant/refugee argument, I don't think the film takes a strong position either for or against IMMIGRATION, but I definitely feel like it's pro-multiculturalism/anti-racism.

I think the film forces you to challenge your conceptions of people of other cultures. Remember the gypsy woman in Bexhill that initially seemed sketch as fuck but ended up saving them capture? Or the Russians that take them in.

Also one detail that paints discrimination in a markedly negative light is just how easy it would be to be passed off as/mistaken for an illegal immigrant yourself. See how easy it was for the nurse with the dreads and Clive Owen to be passed for illegals themselves? Clive Owen just had to pretend he didn't speak English for him to get shut the fuck down. It makes you realize how swift and harsh the judgment can be on the receiving end. It doesn't matter if you were born and bred in England, or even if you can trace your line all the way back to King Arthur. Someone can decide to summarily execute you based on appearances alone.

2 gold dinars have been deposited to your account, fellow muslim. May Allah bless you

pull my finger!

That was his dad? For some reason I never caught that and I've seen that movie like 5 times

Wow, thanks for showing us all who has the babydicks here. Islamophobia is basically a red flag for little white micropenis at this point.

No, Children of Men wasn't remotely prophetic.

No, it didn't indulge your twisted fucking fantasies about race war.

Yes, you should fuck off back to your containment board if you disagree.

Tired of seeing this shit here. Believe it or not, some of us just want to discuss cinema without some far right pantshitter barging in every goddamned day with a new theory about how Mulder was always the second coming of Hitler or some shit.

Look everybody,

a cuck.

>the jackass brings up Trump for no fucking reasons
No thanks.

Should I watch this tonight, or finish my marathoning of Mobile Suit Gundam?

It is worth watching once.