So Annie Clark changed her look again

So Annie Clark changed her look again...

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She looks like David Byrne

i don't give a fuck

looks like my mom

will this old hag ever accept that people will never care about her regardless of how much she changes her look and talks about politics?

Stop spamming this cunt

it's fitting t b h

Dude I was going to say the same.

Would it be gay if I fucked her while having the mental image that I was fucking David Byrne?

something about this is super sexy even though i don't really find her that attractive. love the soft bloom and pink saturation. looks like some 60's era stuff combined with the flappers of the 20s.

this bitch is overrated af

needs loosen up and take a couple long ones in the backside if you catch my dick

Yipee. How's their restaurant doing?

but acceptable.
gay is the way.

you guys have uh pretty moms

Still hot. Still sterile music.

Somewhere Danny Brown is fapping to this

I miss her curly meme hair

saw her recently, amazing. no info about new album though

>if you catch my dick

I pray my nigga get in there


>extra vag

looking like a sexy english teacher that's seeing through your bullshit excuses as to why your presentation isn't ready today and how you would like to go tomorrow instead



when the fuck is the new album coming out

i like her but im already running out of fucks to give 2bh

Annie looks like the kind of girl you would spend like half a year courting on expensive dates and then when you finally have sex it would be the most mediocre starfish experience ever and she would stop every 5 minutes because she gets uncomfortable and make you ask permission for anything you want to do
fuck that

I liked the curly hair more but I don't listen to her music so whatever

Where the fuck is the album tho?

Ben im disappointed that you actually listen to annie

go to sleep Justin

oh wow. she's so daring.

looks like arca.

Oh man, I want mama Annie to dom me now

Much better than her white hair.

But I suppose this is a good look to age gracefully with.

She hit the wall

This but unironically

She looks like an older, less stacked Allison Brie. This is a good look.

Mah dick

I wish her music was good. I watch her videos on mute.

I want to lick those moles on her chest then fuck her really hard t b q h

Her music is good m8, or was at least. As soon as she took in that little Asian lady it went down the toilet

>old allison brie without tits

Pretty shitty tbqh

Small chest is life. She'll age better than girls with large tits.

Stop calling her a cunt

she's finally letting the personality that peeked through her previous effort out. It's a shame it took so long.

annie frank

Still very pretty. Annie rocks!

Her music is great. What is not to like about songs like Your Lips Are Red, Actor Out of Work, Marrow, Cruel, Cheerleader, Birth in Reverse?

Ayn Rand-core

i wanna bang your mom

will she cover 2112?

watch dis:

Annie just announced Fear of the Future tour:

The album is coming soon!

I like it

Looks a lot better than whatever the fuck that white hair shit was

t. virgin

someone explain this


Has she stopped trying to be Talking Heads yet?

Danny has a crush on Annie, and he doesn't really keep it a secret

wtf I hate this nigga still

>:moans while fucking her bloody ass with a bull horn:
I'm totally fine with both tobehonest


Danny got taste

Shitposters of Sup Forums, be honest with me and yourselves for a second:
Do those of you who post about hating Annie Clark hate her because of her music? Her looks? Her personality(ies)? Or is it all women that you hate? Or maybe you are just joking to fit in on Sup Forums? Are you secretly jealous and/or sexually frustrated? I'm not trying to bait or cause a ruckus, I'm just interested in YOUR take on the rampant hatred on this board, specifically towards female musicians, and how it goes from zero to 60 so quickly, or why you use derogatory terms to refer to people without being provoked? Inb4 no honest answers and more memes.

Your mothers snapchat?

She has vaguely negroid facial feature

Now you have a board of autists masturbating to your mom

But there's an A just after the G

oh my...

Any of you been to both Kings Theatre (Brooklyn) and Electric Factory (Philly) Which one do you think is better?

Don't you have a Marina thread to spam?

Looks like Lois & Clark era Teri Hatcher



She's an old lady.
Be nice to her.


M o m m y

Ageing like milk left on the counter i see

she's is still good looking for being like 50.

There is no unifying principle. Some hate women, some like bandwagoning and thus shitpost along with these people, and some just enjoy shitting on things (unironically me tbqh).

i like annie and her music. but there is something...
does anybody think that she dated cara delevigne to draw wider attention?