
쁠래그 에디션

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New general?

Hi balt-user. Nice to see you again. Last time I saw you was in a /deutsch/ thread last year.

I am but an user continuing the legacy of the person you are talking about.

I see. This is fine.

yes yes :D

i liked old pepsi logo better

스텔라리스 재밌다

What was origianal? Korean flag or pepsi?

last thread went for a good while


앙 퇴근띠



Post your city and temperature
오늘 날씨 진짜 좋다


Fuck, I wanna play Stellaris now

>Ur moms vagaina

haha le epic xD

이 사이트에 한국인들이 왜 많지.

별로 없는뎅?

생각보다 많은거 같은데? 나만 이 사이트를 쓰는지 알았다.

강릉, 15C. What a fine weather. I think 강릉 is the best place in korea for weather. We don't have dust either.

It will be god game after 100 DLC released :D


>Yesterday there was successful korean general
>Today there is another
Does it mean that korea can at last into generals?

또와쭈쎼요 쒸프트 키까 안빠쪄요

Every Koreans who post here are probably ugly virgin losers.

Except me because I am a cute girl.

>girl (male)

proof? post penis

You are a cute girl (boy)?
Post feet pic


>linking to sadpanda
this is a christian board heathen

i hope all of you die in nuclear fire this saturday


t. japanese teacher in USA

Does that mean I don't get the job?


So what's your favorite tv show? MuDo?

Korean TV programs are garbage. All unoriginal unfunny shit.


You are correct 3D bitches are all selfish evil cunts.
All hail the glory of beautiful 2D goddesses!

weebs out

>says the Japanese

>thinks all japanese are weebs

>actually is

>implies they arent

Are you watching anything from this season?

The Japanese should be proud of their weeb roots. Because of anime they are hailed as great. I would be proud.

So this is what you get for selling your soul to japanese manga.

Nope, but I watched Kemono friends in later season
do you watch "Kemono Friends" ? It would be pure shit when watching it with subtitles though

t. Japanese teacher

>Kemono Friends
Youjo Senki is better.

I know english, so i viewed it with English subs.

By the way, do you know if there will be a second season?

Much better than 만화 or webtoons desu.

Seriously those are pretty bad in general.

lol pleb

But they're much worse than movie or drama desu

By they're you mean 만화 and 웹툰 or anime?

But yes I agree korean movie and drama are shit tier.


Why do Koreans hate Greeks?

koreans love turkey and consider turks as their brothers iirc

that means they hate greeks

>Koreans hate Greeks?

They only hate Japan and maybe China

We love Greeks so much my school has fucking Greek LITERATURE as a whole major.

Can someone explain the Bone Rank system to me?

I thought you were in Sup Forums

because greek literature is a basis of an european literature and not because you like them


~6 grade : irrelevant plebs
True bone~ : Real royal

Sup Forums is my second board.

It's a pretty dead major yet it the major still exists. Meanwhile other non popular majors are getting purged.

I think why this explosive popluer is because shitty Japanese by characters,
>2nd season
it will be made.

What do you think of

Is this game still shit? I got bored of making slave empires when it came out.

큰 실수

Good. We need more koreaboo.

We don't deserve this popularity. KPOP is an embarrassment

Where do I find a girl like 봄수연

In the trash

It has become average game now
DLC 19.9 $ :DDDD

>all these contrarian self-hating korean friends

While a lot of the culture is vapid and overwhelmingly materialistic there are still cool stuff to be found in korea as with any other country desu t.korean

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

북한은 전쟁을 이길거지


김정은동지를 믿을게

Many Koreans dream about living in Scandinavia but I bet as soon as they see shit tons of dog shit on streets of Oslo they would like to go back to their home country ASAP lmao

Lmao most goreans dream about 탈조선 but they cant even speak a fugging foreign language :-DDDDDDD
Korea isn't a good country but its not fugging shit tier terrible like a lot of people portray it as. It's mediocre in every aspect des

who are you to judge?

>its not fugging shit tier terrible like a lot of people portray it as


>정치 부패

A bit unrelated, but how's Denmark, by the way?

lmao all those buzzwords baby boomers made.

In what kind of way?
We're as much a terrorist target as any other european country at the moment.

>that denial

Fugg.... can't deny that des
Did you 탈조선 friendo? You're a lucky guy~

hey arent you that user who studies in korea?

No, I'm Danish.

I used to.

nah, you are not him. there was one who was moving there

Cool! ! !

>tfw your yandere wife will never permanently blind you and disable your tendons and hamstrings
>tfw she will never lock you in her basement
>tfw she will never read you books you choose and princess carry you around
>tfw she will never properly train you to never leave her by making you mentally and physically addicted and dependen on her
>tfw she will never cook the most delicious meals for you
>tfw she will never rape you violently at the most random times
>tfw you will never be hers


m8 ..

다 나임

I want to kill spoiled little brat in this movie.

Can't deny about the elderly poverty and corruptions.
But these two exists in any other country idiot. They really can't make a country shithole.
Also consider that elders were born when South Korea was an Somalia tier.
And youth suicide is not that even big of a problem here. You are telling these bullshits based on stereotypes western medias made :^)