Haha. Oh my gosh -- our next guest, Wow, haha, I can't believe he is here, he is just so amazing, just incredible, wow !

Haha. Oh my gosh -- our next guest, Wow, haha, I can't believe he is here, he is just so amazing, just incredible, wow !

I want him dead

fuck him for liking things and being happy

> We traveled to Sup Forums and we found a poster that unironically likes the late night show host Jimmy Fallon. Take a look.

Do Craig

they're both talentless hacks

How the fuck did this faggot get hired on SNL?

he is not happy, he just fake laughs after every sentence his guests say

>Speaking of comedians who would make terrible late night talk show hosts...Donald Trump

If he keeps up drinking and doing coke at the rate he is now, it wont be long user.

I dont see how any of these faggots are funny or what their role is supposed to be
Why are they on tv?
They arent comfy either

Here's a challenge, do John Oliver without referencing CURRENT YEAR (he doesn't say it anymore)

>Here's a challenge, do John Oliver without referencing CURRENT YEAR (he doesn't say it anymore)
He doesn't?
Did someone tell him he was being made into a meme or something?

These kind of shows are the absolute worst thing that television has to offer. Anyone who actually enjoys these should be considered subhuman.

Why's he have a pen on him? How often does he write shit?

Nice quints m8y. Its probably to be reminiscent of the daily show.
The last good host was leno, top comf
>inb4 letterman
He stopped being good in the mid 90s. Leno continued the laughs until mid 00s.

>You know who it's NOT such a great day for- Sup Forums. Yeeeah. Apparently they are arguing over Late Night hosts. I mean, COME ON, MAAN!

its honestly really hard to do craig without the physical part to his comedy. he does a lot of physical shit with his jokes. usually looks

Mick jagger

Oh come on, Conan is pretty smart and witty IRL. Parts which are not fully scripted, where they onky have an ideaabout gag, are comedy gold.

>Audience explodes into laughter and cheers.