Sup Forums's favorite easter eggs?

Sup Forums's favorite easter eggs?

On the DVD of Final Fantasy, they hid the cast of FF dancing to Thriller.
There was also a easter egg on Terminator 2, but I don't remember it.

Ew wtf. Is there anything redeemable about this "actress"?

yeah im gay too user

Why would they want to make an easter egg about her feet when they're disgusting? They shouldn't have even shown them on screen. They're atrocious

those feet are quite nice.


I fucked pussy yesterday F A M, how about you?

>people think Cara is attractive
When will this meme stop

Because she is

I bet they smelled each other feet on set

spreadd legs so i can smell er sweet pusi thro her, pant and suck the juice, it drip, drippe beceause she so horny and i came suck it so good, sweeet

is this an indian youtube comment?

oh my



Is hard to see in this low image but when Nicholas Cage yells "FUCK" in the movie Deadfall, there is a guy with the word "FUCK" on his t shirt in the image.

I think the terminator 2 Easter egg was the original teaser trailer that showed terminators being created?


I-is that Brental?


crashing this plane, WITH NO SURVIVORS!

Everything on desu

not sure how much this guys got right, but its a damn interesting read all the same

cheers user