What ARE birds?

What ARE birds?

Other urls found in this thread:


we just don't know OP

noisy little cunts
jk thank you God for the birds

Thanks, ants. Thants.

If birds didn't exist, then Hitchcock would never have crafted a masterpiece.

missing link between reptiles and mammals

When did they go missing?


What species is this?

And then the cassowary slashes you with this, causing you insides fall out everywhere.

The point is, you are still alive when it starts to peck at your face.

Tell me about the birds, user.


What kind of bird are you?

In England we call them flappy peckers.

truly the most retarded board

...but enough about your genitals,

Isn't that also the term for erectile disfunction?

In Australiah we call em' kunts.


it's a little known species called CHECK THE FUCKING FILE NAME DUMBASS

yair, but in australia we call a lot of things cunts. innat right, cunt? see, that cunt agrees with me.

Mini dinosaurs.

That you shouldn't cum on.

>tfw almost nobody in thread getting the look around you reference
They were right when they said Reddit infiltrated this board


Birds are birds

Bird up

i was joking

no need to be cross


>american education

Birds are CUTE!

Mods leave this piece of shit thread up?

Mods = dick suckers

no, you weren't. and now you're backpedaling. fucking americans, i swear to god

>Please do not see the end first
>See it from the beginning
Well yeah

You fucked up by deciding to get born as a human when you were reincarnated.
Birds are
Straight-edge no drugs

You could have had all that but instead you chose to be born as the only species who autistically shitposts on Sup Forums

Birds are cute! CUTE!

Well they are technically dinosaurs.
And lots of ancient dinosaurs were covered with feathers.

Woke up one morning to skrääkke noises coming from forest, they were fucking annoying.

So I took my rifle and wheelbarrow and went to kill them all at 6 in the morning, came back 3 hours later with wheelbarrow full of dead birds

Tales from Finland.

fucking faggot ass noisemakers

24 hours after their last sighting


i think it may have been a joke user

how is this deduced

Cockatoo is best bird.

We found cave paintings with dinosaurs that had feathers on them

By finding imprint fossils of known dinosaur bone structures where you can see feathers in the imprint.

I don't think we had invented paint when dinosaurs were around. I think we had just invented fire by then