Suicide Squad made only $570m

What the fuck? Is it even going to get to 800 and at least tie with BvS?

didn't open in China

They're quite good figures desu. Making a profit about $100-150m after 3 weeks

Is it going to?

Who goes see this kind of thing?

No, chinese theaters can't show films with witches in them.

>only $570m

Civil War was at $750m by the 3rd week. You'd think a film with a marketing campaign that rivaled that of Civil War's would get at least $600-650m. At this rate it's not even on track to match BvS

marketing user.

The sad thing for someone like myself who actually likes the way DC movies are handled in a darker way to Marvel (that's it, just the different tone not much beyond that) is that the huge openings these last two DCEU films have had show that these movies DO interest general audiences into going to see them.

They're just do shit that they can't hold those numbers

>"number 1 at the box office 3 weeks in a row!!"
>as if beating Sausage Party and a remake of Ben Hur is some sort of accomplishment.

they dont hold because they are panned after embargos lift and people start to see that they are shit.

Oh I know. Exactly my point.

When people say there's some mass conspiracy to shit on DC films or that audiences just want to see Marvel capeshit it's sad because clearly neither is true.

He took that into account you literal retard.

True I forgot about that but even if it were 100% marketing and interest, they'd still be in profit (only just by $2m).
based that on studio getting 65% of ticket sales which is based on that Harry Potter P&L sheet leak

This is worse case scenario to be fair since Ive ignored any grants the studio gets whilst filming

Only making $2 million dollars is a pretty bad investment desu.

Limited release or some shit like this, Chinese hate Katana for her Japanese flag mask

at the moment yeah, but I did work it out on a worse case scenario

wtf? Civil War starred a bunch of people who already had movies. Skwad was Joker + literally whos. Comparing the two is like comparing TFA to Fury Road.


DC/WB were marketing the movie as a follow on to BvS etc. Showing Bats and Joker, etc.

It's more apt to compare it to GotG, since it's sort of sold as part of the same universe and related, unlike a franchise which hasn't had a movie since the 80's (MM).

Jared Leto really delivered an interesting portrayal of his role as the Joker.
It is sad to see the movie fail

I woudn't call this failing

Dude, CW also had China. Also these numbers aren't updated (the foreign ones are still behind).

> its a pathetic poor wageslaving manchildren fight over their loyaties for giant corporations that don't even give a single flying fuck about them episode
These people don't give a fuck About you. Why do their millions concern you? Grown men fighting about how much of corporate slaves you are.

Given the heavy marketing and studio cut, they probably made something in the double digit millions on it after tax rebates and other Jewery. They won't be pleased with it, however, and will view it as a moderate failure, since it's a poor profit for the time and money invested, by their standards.

>marketing campaign that rivaled that of Civil War
user do you just say any old shit

>You'd think a film with a marketing campaign that rivaled that of Civil War's
This is absolute trite.

>Worst Joker
>Every scence he was in made me cringe
>Edgy hotopic numale duck
Movie fucking disappointed me soo fucking bad

>Best joker