So what is the official consensus on Ms. Robbie's performance?

So what is the official consensus on Ms. Robbie's performance?

Shit and cringeworthy, hated her and wanted her head to blow up all the time
>ooh nice smell, what's that, the stench of death?

OP back again. Forgot to mention prejudice opinions are not wanted

Kill yourself

Nice threes.

>the typical 'kill yourself' retort
hows time off school?

You do know what site you are on right?

Her dialogue was shit but she was fine.

>asks for opinions
>gets them
>not the opinions I wanted so they don't count :(
How's your first week here?

Mediocre. Not that it mattered. No one could have salvaged that terrible dialogue.

>twisting my words
>Ignoring that I said prejudice opinions
are you an idiot?

Normally I'd tell you to fuck off and call you a cum guzzling nigger faggot but I will respect your wishes because of that get.

She was really good. Some really stupid lines but I blame the writer for that.

Robbie was shit no matter how you spin it to only allow "correct" opinions.

the real question is, would you put milk in her fridge?

I liked it

Seemed like she had a lot of fun

I loved her. She resembled Harley so much

creators of harley loved margot's. does that mean they have shit taste?

Well they created a shit character so of course.


Leave this fucking site now and never come back

This isn't Sup Forums harleydrone

She was better than Nu52 Harley, at least.

what's wrong with new 52 harley? i think she's great

OP back again. bumping with more of my Ausfu

You would think that, wouldn't you?

When you turn 16, you'll leave a lot of your edginess behind, just like you left your pacifier behind when you went from baby to kid.

non ironically, as deserving of an oscar as Ledger was

No, but it's Sup Forums, aka the laughing stock of Sup Forums.

>thinks i'm edgy because i like new52 harley

you're truly an autist, user

I love her.
I want a spin-off Harley movie starring Robbie.

>actually projecting mob mentality to a place filled with strangers
How's your cognitive dissonance treating you?
Do you still reply to post ironic falseflagging?

Phenomenal performance but god damn was she given shitty material to work with. Own that shit WB.


beautiful. she's replacing emma stone in my heart.

04 to 06 is best part of movie

i would've accept that minor role job

The hacks the raped more of Alan Moore's work with their perverted ship? Yes.