Be me

>be me
>watching Voyager
>Its a Janeway episode

Every episode is a Janeway episode, dumbass.

I had a dream last night I was watching a voyager episode filmed in the JJ Abrams style of using public buildings as sci-fi areas and thought to myself "why the fuck would voyager have tiled hallways"

I wish I was joking.


Voyager will always be better than TNG

you best be trollin son

I couldn't even make it through the one where bellana almost rapes tom paris it was so stupid
>muh chemical imbalance

Who on voyager is most likely to use the holodeck to bang underage tail? Kes? The doctor? Kim?

Janeway was the only entertaining thing about Voyager.

You don't even know what trolling is, boy.

>transwarp evolution

Neelix obviously.

Mental illness is often entertaining.
Not so great for the people she killed though.

>watching Voyager
>it's a Doctor and Seven bodyswap episode

the doctor is a hologram brah

>Janeway was the only entertaining thing about Voyager.
gr8 b8 m8 would r8 8/8

TOS TNG and DS9 are the only pieces of star trek media worth anything

Voyager had fun episodes
anyone else trekkin?

Just started. Watching random episodes I don't get to pick feels supremely comfy. I don't remember this episode of Ds9 right away. Should be fun to just go with it.

The entire crew was either boring or annoying. Whether or not Janeway was going was to murder her problems away was the only thing of note on the show.

Dukat did nothing wrong

i never saw alot of ds9 so this is pretty comfy how its just random.

>be me

Thanks for the clarification, faggot

Christ this is the second episode of Ds9, super comfy gettin to know everybody again for the first time while the characters are still sorta a rough outline of who they become later on

tell us about the lights

no offense but TOS was sexist they forced females to wear skirts because Kirk hated women.


I've decided to take the plunge and watch all of voyager. I've nearly got to the 3rd season, but christ they've run out of ideas quickly.

It's either some holodeck bullshit, or investigating a new energy source that turns out to be a creature.

I'm pretty sure kirk actually loved women

of all different colors

over and over again, all night

>I'm pretty sure kirk actually loved women
Kirk was a misogynist and like most men hated women such as the men who liked the original ghostbusters.

been watching some random voy and it isnt bad, would love to see some ent but its just so hated.

>it's a child molester episode

>potato nigger
>not fucking a child that's begging for it

truly science fiction


The doctor was the only good thing about Voyager. His story was by far the most interesting of any of the characters. I would even say it rivaled Data's.

Seven also helped the show along. Mostly for the tits, but her story was pretty good too.

That being said, it says a lot about Voyager that the two best components of it were recycled ideas from TNG.

It had so much potential. If you were to have never seen any of them before, and read a synopsis of the premise of the series 90% of people would choose voyager. But the execution was so terrible it makes me cry.