Do you have to be American to enjoy this movie?

Do you have to be American to enjoy this movie?

I've seen it hailed everywhere, but I've never heard anyone in my country (or other European I've met) talk about it like Americans. I watched it recently but I can't say I found it to be some masterpiece or all that funny. What am I missing?

It's not a masterpiece
It's just really good at capturing the feelings of being aimless youth
Cameron is a great character
The museum scene is incredibly poignant
Great soundtrack
I'm not Clapistani btw.

It feels like it was written by a Dad going through a midlife crisis so he wanted all these young people to dance to John Lennon music, also the main character quotes John Lennon like the massive cunt he is.

Yeah I don't like John Lennon. Cameron's a great character though.

>The museum scene is incredibly poignant
What's poignant about it?

Pretty much agreed, but I'd add that I think the biggest problem with this movie and the thing that I think will eventually sink it into obscurity is the Ferris Bueller character himself, he is just not a good character, he has no arc or development, it's hard to believe he is actually "cool" and Mathew Broderick is a terrible actor that managed to be saved by a lack of lines and good editing in this.

When Cameron realizes one of the most beautiful paintings he saw in that museum loses the shape it's trying to convey when examined up close.

And what's poignant about it? Do you also find statements like "everything is nothing is everything" or "shallow water runs deep" poignant.

> main character quotes John Lennon like the massive cunt he is.
I also didn't like Ferris much. Incredibly hot gf though

Isn't Ferris just Cameron's imagination?

It's Beatles music with Lennon on lead. Original by the Top Notes covered by the Isley Brothers.

It perfectly talks about his current situation, Cameron's expression is simply perfect, are you seriously saying that the museum scene isn't a whimsical break punctuated by the most contemplative moment in the entire movie? Are you seriously suggesting that Cameron isn't a person that apparently has a good life but these impressions give away the closer we get to him as a character?

Alan Ruck looks like a 30 year old playing a high schooler in the movie, which he pretty much was.

You should've watched it when you were a kid, and I'm from Britain by the way - it's very well known movie here.

Any good pics of Mia Sara's hairy arms anyone? I think she's waxed now, but she was pretty hairy in the movie.

Just because a movie is well known doesn't mean people have seen it. Plenty of books, albums and movies that are well known.

Hey guys remember when Matthew Broderick murdered those two people with his car?

Yeah me neither

>Do you have to be American to enjoy this movie?

Seems like it. Same as with Animal House and other supposed US cult classics.
These movies are unknown to the wide public outside the US. But mericans being as they are assume that everything that is popular in their country must be popular worldwide.

Only good thing about the movie is the cameo from Deadpool.

It's shown on TV quite often here, thats how I found the movie as a teenager, the censoring's pretty funny "his cars a piece of tin" rather than "piece of shit".

It's because Americans like characters like Ferris whereas Europeans despise them

I've never heard that censored before m8

ausfag here, watched it when I was 17 and really connected with it for some reason, 10/10 film ferris is a right cunt but I don't think you're meant to like him.

Camerons one of my favourite characters ever and I cant put my finger on why

It was on during the day, they weren't exactly going to say shit.

Odd they let Goonies get away with it. Guess it depends on the channel

>Odd they let Goonies get away with it. Guess it depends on the channel
What seriously? I thought all channels aired kid friendly versions of movies during the day just to stop busy bodies complaining to OFCOM, maybe SKY gets more leniency or something I think I saw it on Terrestrial .

One thing's for sure, you can't be Irish and enjoy it.

It was Northern Ireland in the 80s there wasn't much you could enjoy really.

>Animal House
>tfw I had to look it up

? its classed as a cult classic pretty much everywhere . Its just you kiddies today dont get them.

From what I've seen 80's movies with PG ratings are ok so Goonies, Ghostbusters etc. can say shit. They edit out the ghost blowjob though