What are Sup Forumss thoughts on based Joss Whedon?

What are Sup Forumss thoughts on based Joss Whedon?

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I like his Sup Forums shows and films, he is a mixed bag of a person.


looks like that"beat down time" meme

Hope he'll die in agony.

Firefly was great, and Doctor Horrible was great, but I don't even know what happened to him since.

>Josh Whedon

pick one

based Josh Whedon

Buffy bro

Joe sweden's directing isn't that bad but as a person I have no respect for him at all, sjw simp


Sensitive Joss Whedon

what makes him an sjw "simp"?

More like sjWheedon

I enjoyed his quippy dialogue when I was 16
But he can go away now

I fucking hate how his entire public persona is simply pandering to feminists with nothing to back up his BS

tv director, should not be making giant blockbusters since he can't make anything cinematic

love Firefly

I like Joss Whedon because of his themes. And those themes are:
science fiction
mind control
character development
and deep plots


>Joss Whedon says he'll write for Doctor Who - when the Doctor is a woman

That's not sexist at all. At ALL.

>implying the avengers was bad

he followed that up with

"or Idris Elba!"

He's literally b8ing Sup Forums

the action scenes are fucking shit. character stuff is fun, Joss understand them all. He should've just wrote it, got somebody else to direct his script. He's a better writer (quip memes aside) than a director.

Buffy and Angel are great.

Problem came after those shows when it became evident all his characters have the same voice as Buffy's did.


when it works it's really fun though. It worked in Avengers. it didn't work at all In Ultron. but desu the quips were much worse in Civil War than Ultron. the scene in Ultron where they go to Hawkeye's house and just chill was better than anything in Civil War.

He started virtue signalling way too hard and it ruined his artistic merits.

You can make good shit, or you can make shit for sociopolitical reasons, but only rarely do the two overlap.

he atleast got the hulk right for once

You mean Joe Sweden

>virtue signalling

what a retarded phrase.

so if you say your for or against something your just doing it for looks?

He's good at giving high budget movies aesthetics of a cheap tv show.

Anything is better than Civil War


Then he made Ultron which not even the most autistic capeshit fag liked

He is literally wearing a fedora in his profile picture.

It's pretty sad considering how confident he appeared during interviews where he discussed his ongoing Ultron work. Obviously the post-Avengers fame got to his head. He then began to criticize Spielberg, Temple of Doom, The Empire Strikes Back, ect...


hes based af