So what the fuck is his problem?

So what the fuck is his problem?

How could Will communicate via lights and phone calls with Joyce when there was no electricity in the Upside Down?

Why they are trying to make Nancy this cool, attractive but smart and caring girl when she was clearly stupid and irresponsible? And why the actress playing this character is so damn anorexic?

Why Hop didn't hook up with Joyce?

Why all three kids (Hop's daughter, Eleven and Will) had the same tiger lion toy? Is it significant in any?

Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot the most important question: Why does he wear the mask?

>How could Will communicate via lights and phone calls with Joyce when there was no electricity in the Upside Down?

Shit was magic. The Upside Down somehow associates lifeforce with electricity in the rightside up.

>Why they are trying to make Nancy this cool, attractive but smart and caring girl when she was clearly stupid and irresponsible?
Because there's less suspense and conflict if characters behave 100% rationally.
The only really stupid part was the one where she went into the portal for no fucking reason.

>And why the actress playing this character is so damn anorexic?
Because nobody likes fatties. Also it takes place before the American obesity "epidemic".

>Why Hop didn't hook up with Joyce?
Because is still fucking nuts, she was before she lost her son.
Also she has two ugly sons, one who is an explicit pervert, and a crazy ass deadbeat ex.
At best they fucked once.

>Why all three kids (Hop's daughter, Eleven and Will) had the same tiger lion toy? Is it significant in any?
No immediate apparent relevance other than Hop associating these children in need with his own daughter's struggles.

>Shit was magic.

But neither Barb nor the Brenner's guy could communicate the Rightside Up?

>The only really stupid part was the one where she went into the portal for no fucking reason.

Yeah, and when she called Barb's mum and went alone to Steve's garden. She had many bad decisions.

>And why the actress playing this character is so damn anorexic?

But couldn't they find a skinny but not ano girl? There are zillions of pretty, slim actresses.

>At best they fucked once

It's pretty much confirmed that they did in the past, but it seemed like they were supposed to get together now too but for some reason writers abandoned the idea.

>No immediate apparent relevance other than Hop associating these children in need with his own daughter's struggles.

That explains it, danke

Barb died almost immediately.
Brenner's guy was talking to them over the radio.

Nancy was cute as shit, you need to fuck off.

No, they didn't need to get together. They both had their own problems, and only came together over their mutual lost children, which one of them resolved, so they no longer shared that.

>Nancy was cute as shit
Not true, she was just a shitty skeletor Mary Sue

Question about Brenner's guy: he was calling him dad, did it mean that he was one of the special children like Eleven?

>Not true, she was just a shitty skeletor Mary Sue
You just said she made several large mistakes, and wasn't that cool or smart.

Yeah, but apparently her mistakes were forgivable/made her character more realistic and in the eyes of many, Nancy is cute as shit mary sue type of a girl.

That scene with shooting can or when she figured out that Dermogorgon is drawn to blood indicate that she's supposed to be this smart cool can do everything chick.

What are you on about? She made some good decisions and some bad decisions like most people, why are you so against her? Her actions had consequences, like instead of going with Barb she fucked Steve and then Barb died dude.

His wolf was hard

I don't know, I probably don't like her because her mistake cost Barb life and the actress playing Barb is hella cuter and I wanted to see her more.

What the fuck was up with barbs body. I imagine the special effect guys stuffing her oversized pants with pillows. Bet that ass was a portal too

Still prettier than Nancy tho

>but it seemed like they were supposed to get together now too but for some reason writers abandoned the idea.

They didn't abandon the idea, they purposely built up a cliche and then subverted our expectations. Same thing with Steve suddenly not being the classic douchebag anymore and Johnathan not getting the girl after all.

Not saying this is a good thing though. On one hand you could be pleased that it wasn't as predictable as it initially seemed, on the other... what was the point? It seems to me like they just tricked us for the sake of it. Maybe it'll make more sense with season 2 but that's not even something I ever wanted. A completely self-contained single season would've been best.

I actually want to see season two because I liked the characters and the mood, but my worry is they will fuck things up. I hope they won't though.

Steve thing wasn't planned, by the way. It's just that the actor turned to be very likable so they've decided to keep him. Otherwise Nancy would end up with Jonathan.

If you're a person in the Upside Down, your presence can send a current through electrical devices in the real world, in the same way that the Demogorgon shorts everything out. Fuck knows exactly how it works, magnetic fields or something. Because the Upside Down isn't an independent dimension and just a twisted reflection of our own, when Joyce was scrawling letters on the wall, Will could actively see them and just pointed to them to light up the nearby light in the real world. This is pretty clearly explained in the scene when Hopper and Joyce are in the house at the same time as Jonathan and Nancy in the real world, and they can see the lights shining as their just walking past them.

The lions represent courage, as in what the Lion in The Wizard of Oz thinks he's lacking but has inside of him all along. There's also the giant mural of a lion at the school behind Jonathan and Nancy in one scene, symbolizing their impending courage to fight the Demogorgon. I forget where I heard this being explained, I think it was an interview with the Duffers or something.

so you're telling me Jonathan actually got cucked irl by chad?

Oh, I forgot about the phone. It's set up in the first episode that Will isn't stupid with phones, and he figures out pretty quickly that calling his home number from the phone in the Upside Down can connect the two directly to each other. The phones blow up because the Demogorgon hears him and gets close enough to trigger its anti-electricity thingy.

They didn't even need to explain how they actively rewrote Steve, it's glaringly obvious in the show itself. He goes from total asshole to reformed saint in about fifteen minutes.

>Bet that ass was a portal too


quality posts right here. Thanks for the explanation, senpai. I thought that this lion motive meant something along these lines.

Yeah, poor Charlie Heaton.

Yeah, Steve and Nancy are probably the most shallow/predictable characters.

Serious question - did you actually watch the show, or just see highlights on youtube and are trying to piece it together?

If the Upside Down is actively synced with our world then why aren't there empty cars buzzing around the streets there? There's a lot of shit that doesn't add up. For a while I thought the Upside Down was actually the distant future where some global catastrophe wiped everything out and gave birth to mutant monsters, but that seems even less plausible.

See, I think that the upsy down is actually the same world on a different electromagnetic scale. That's why all the buildings and cars are there. And why you can hear people and such and such. That means that people on the upsy down might not be affected by radiation, Which is why there's all different plants and eggs and flowerpot monster thing roaming around.

It's just a different unexplained electromagnetic scale.

I don't think that's how electromagnetic scales work but okay.

Also, The concept art for the season shows more spoiliops for next season.

Mind that the link is Kotaku but whatever.

Read the last line again. It's a probable non-eucildic world so god knows what the fuck is going on there.

Link fucced up

So it's a separate world or it's in our world but existing on a different wavelength? I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.

That's exactly what i'm trying to say. I think about it so much I get myself confused.

Okay, Clear mind now.

The upside down is possibly a world existing on another electromagnetic spectrum or wavelength like you said. That would explain why Will's mum couldn't open that slime door in her wall and ended up with a hole in her wall, I'm not the greatest mathematician or scientist but I believe it that would be a byproduct of the different unexplained wavelengths and frequencies operating in the upside down. Now one theory to bust my theory is that the radio of the scientist Brenner sent in worked, I can't explain that either.

See, We exist on a wavelength, A frequency, And an energy reading. What i'm guessing is that the upside down is an entire different category within itself.

So yes. It's a different world operating within our world. As for the Euclidic math processes it may be the same to put it as unexplained,IE a yard in real life may not be a yard in the upsydow

Also forgot the picture

At least cunt daughter ended up with the douchefag Chad rather than the nice responsible guy. So the show was realistic in that sense

>So what the fuck is his problem?
On the show? Bullies
Finn himself? He's just too perfect for words. He's like an IRL Mary Sue.

>How could Will communicate via lights and phone calls with Joyce when there was no electricity in the Upside Down?
It was explained in the last episode. It seems like walking near lights in the regular world causes them to turn on and off. Will might have been able to see the lights changing trough the tear that the demigorgon made.

>Why they are trying to make Nancy this cool, attractive but smart and caring girl when she was clearly stupid and irresponsible?
One of the many good things about the characters was that they weren't one dimensional. You can be smart/caring in certain ways and at certain times, but not in others. What made her likeable imo was when, like many characters, she fixed her shit for long enough in order to do what's right.

>And why the actress playing this character is so damn anorexic?
Ain't nothing wrong with that. ;^)

>Why Hop didn't hook up with Joyce?
Who says they didn't?

>Why all three kids (Hop's daughter, Eleven and Will) had the same tiger lion toy? Is it significant in any?
Probably. Maybe there are some good theories out there.

>So what the fuck is his problem?
What do you mean like this? He seemed fairly normal to me, apart from being a bit dainty.

Why isn't that his primary campaign picture?

If he really wants to win he should have us write his whole campaign.