Any Inbetweeners fans in Sup Forums?

Any Inbetweeners fans in Sup Forums?

i like it

mr gilbert is hilarious

Quite good but this is Sup Forums

only British comedy I've ever laughed at desu

Loved it but afraid to go back to it after all this time to see if it holds up.

Prefer to look at it with the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia rather than be devastated that it's not really that good (if that were to happen).

Exaggerated but somewhat accurate description of high school life

especially the simon getting drunk and writing on carly's driveway

also caravan club episode was spot on

*sixth form

pardon me lads

>british comedy

no thanks

>tfw had three mates in secondary and one was a tall stupid one, one who was always making up bullshit and one who probably had aspergers

An accurate depiction of average young British men i.e. completely unwatchable

>implying this isn't the best scene

do you prefer american?


It's good for a rewatch


Inbetweeners is pure kino, it still holds up even now, if you don't like it you are a bumder

>literally not a single bad or not funny episode
>sequel movies still as good as the show

Neil punching the fish is legitimately laugh out loud funny.


nah it still completely holds up

I feel like the only one who can't stand this show. The awkward hurts me so.

>It's a Will orders 3 carvery dinners on a night out

You're such a fanny

I liked it when I was in sixth form but I haven't watched it since


> Its a Jay makes up a ridiculous lie that only Neil believes episode

>it's a Will gets beaten up by someone odd episode


The second movie is far better than the first tho


sums up the late 00's and early 10's "comedy".

The first was meant to be a series, every 20 minutes there's an establishing shot and will narrating the previous 20 minutes of the film.

I think both movies did the show proud.

>It's a Jay says some awkward shit to embarrass Simon in front of Carly episode.

>it's a Will going hoes before bros episode
>it's a Simon lamenting about Carly episode
>it's a Jay getting his elaborate lie called out is the story arc of this episode
>it's a Neil's dad is bent episode

I'm sure there's at least one episode or movie that fits all these conditions

Inbetweeners 3
Simon, Jay & Will all live relatively normal, awkward and boring lives. They have drifted apart and catch up every now and then until they go and visit Neil.

Neil lives in a huge house with a grotty bird and about 12 kids because he has been using condoms wrong this whole time.

The guys wonder how Neil affords all the luxury and he explains how he has a very well paying job taking packages on planes. They explain to Neil what trafficking is and then the movie is the guys getting Neil out of his employment with criminals.

Provides enough of a story to keep the gang together, get them into high budget action sequences and these comedy movies always include and probably kill one of them off.

That's the movie I would make anyway

>in Sup Forums
what did Sup Forums mean by this? why do they spread cancer to other boards

there should be a rule about blocked access to any other board on Sup Forums within 2 weeks of visiting Sup Forums

> Sup Forums
more like Sup Forums you dumbfuck


This is the greatest British comedy kino ever made and Its Always Sunny is the greatest American comedy kino ever made.

This is not a debate, it is an objective fact, so please feel free to move on and reply to another post if you disagree.

I'd watch it

My father used to nick ferraris for the mafia

Saving the two movies for an awesome drunk evening.

So you were the insufferable twat

alri' briefcase

I'd watch it too, you got me when neil started trafficking

Suck it up, you pussy. Learn what pain is.