What's the funniest thing you've ever put in a pussy / what's the funniest thing you've ever had in your pussy?

What's the funniest thing you've ever put in a pussy / what's the funniest thing you've ever had in your pussy?

My toes. Also a Christmas tree branch in a girls ass.

This makes me miss Zunechan

My dick

I stuck a Twizzler in my GF as far as it would go. Then another time a cucumber from the fridge, she complained it was too cold after about 5 seconds.

My dad's big fat cock

+2 i've seen your dick

This. Its pretty small and every girl I've fucked probably laughed about it at some point afterwards.

+3 i've seen your dick too

An ice cube, she was not impressed.

In all truthfulness, if they can slide a whole fucking human through there, they laugh at all of our dicks.

I don't know about "funny" but I put a custom mountain bike handgrip in a girl's twat once.

I think underwear was the only thing that I put inside a pussy and wasn't any part of my body, nor a comdon

French fries.

Don't know why I replied to you pussy-biker

I ride... what brand?

A dildo shaped like a dog dick

Part of it, or the whole thing until you couldn't see them anymore?

Ice cream - then I ate it out. It was fucking disgusting.
It just smelled of off milk.

Because you love me?
Fucked if I can remember. It was like 15 years ago and I bought them at a bike shop outside of Hartford.

I had a condom slip off one time and we couldn't figure out where it went so we had to go spelunking and finally found it jammed wayyyyy up in there.

Exactly like this.

Hot nickle ball on a pussy

Forgot image, I don't know what is happening to me.

I also fucked a chick one time who was too embarrassed to say she had a tampon in, so I just mashed it way up in there. I got to know her really well years later and she told me about it.

Was this when she was under 20? I noticed they tend to settle down alot and not go for that shit after that age.

thank me later

My wife loves it when I use Twizzlers in foreplay. I actually came into this thread to post that

any more?

Strawberry - newfag
Grape - i'd be your friend
Sour - my hero

>A bag of weed for later smoking
>A fortune cookie strip when I was wasted so I could make a terrible pun
My ex once fucked herself with a big glowstick and it broke inside her.
I fucked that dripping, glowing pussy once i stopped laughing, was actually kinda hot.

It usually is the sweet and sour ones, only because ever since she was pregnant with our daughter she's had a thing for sour food. They're what we have around.

+1 for poking your fetus with licorice.


chocolate egg then ate it out dont know if thats funny or just delicious sometimes when me and my friend fuck i blow air in her pussy and she forgets and gets out and queefs and thats funny every time

She liked it, too