Thoughts on this drawing I did?

Thoughts on this drawing I did?

Looks waterlogged

reposted shit/10
not enough boobs/10

Yea it's kinda a bad pic of it :/



I like it.

Do really depressing portraits in charcoal ! I see potential here

It's what I've been doing
It's super fun

Looks cool as fuck got anymore?

It's pretty good
The left side of the dude's face looks kinda muddled tho

nice work, very expressive.
just add some ass & tits and would be perfect.



>couch slav

That's fucking creepy. Am i going to wake up dead in 7 dsys?

Good work shit is killer

THanks family

Why can't you be in draw threads instead of the other fags

I didn't even know there were drawthreads. I don't usually go on Sup Forums

You got skills any chance you got more stuff

you didn't do that

I also have one reallly good one at home, so if this thread is still alive when I get home I'll take a pic of it


Your stuff is actually really good do you do requests?

So you do this for a living or to kill time?

I would like to do it for a living. I'm 19 and trying to sell drawings instead of getting a shitty minimum wage summer job, but i don't even know where to start.

If you pay me

Why not start a Patreon. Also What materials do you use for your drawings?

Give me a link to a etsy or patreon and i gladly will

Awesome! I'll make one and post the link in the bio of my Instagram which is
Thanks so much :)

It's all charcoal on paper

u got what it takes to make it dont let any one or your self espcially tell you other wise these are magnificent

I don't anything about art mats gonna assume its charcoal made for art right? Got a twitter by any chance?

Here's my latest drawing. It's unfinished and the face and background still need a lot of work though

Yeah it's charcoal made for art. No I don't have a twitter.

Thanks man that really means a lot :)

You should make one

You've got a seriously great handle on lighting. That is the toughest part for me. Keep up the great work!

Social media is definitely a great way to grow a fanbase, but it tends to be stressful managing so many accounts. I might make one eventually once I grow my body of work.

Thanks :)

That is true. Keep up the good work

I like your project, but I hope you don't draw what you feel, or else you are really depressed.

Your art is really nice!

Haha no I'm not depressed. A lot of the work I posted itt has been part of the process of me getting over my breakup with my ex, so there is a lot of anger and sorrow that goes into my art. but it's been a totally great catharsis to create stuff that is able to communicate how I feel. It's therapeutic
I'm a rly happy dude most of the time

have any social media where I could follow for pics of your art? like an art page

Your feelings really show in your art. This is some powerful stuff OP, nice work.

Yeah my Instagram is

Thank you very much. I'm glad




Great stuff man, you have real talent

ignore this & go to

Thank you


Using for album cover on sound cloud. Thx

Its amazing, the shadowing the darkness it hold, its great. Wish I could draw like that, I haven been drawing for 6 years but I still cant even draw an anime face, I can only draw in Jhonen vazques style but only faces facing 3/4 anything else looks like if it were done by a fourth grade because i have my motor fine coordination atrophied.