Why are kids so cute?

Why are kids so cute?

I want to hug them and play with them all day long!

>Please have a seat over there

No one can blame you, user.

Teach pre-k. Das good shit.

Kids are the most annoying little shits in the world


that kid has torn the rubber off the dualshock sticks revealing the hard plastic. fuck that kid, hes a fucking animal.

any kawaii stories bro?

I know what game he's playing.
▲ ▲

Only if they're in groups. 1 on 1 they're the best company you could have.

I'm talking about boys, of course. Females can go fuck themselves with a stick as far as I'm concerned.

Looks like Laci Green

Of course, but I get the feeling I shouldn't post such things on Sup Forums.

You probably enjoy their company because they're similar to you mentally.

Do it, pussy.

this is the one place you should post them

Sick burn, bro. Definitely made me think. I guess life is over now.

brb kms.

holy fuck check this


Ok fine. I'll post a couple short ones.

>be at indoor recess
>be on knees, so close to young kids' level
>one comes up to me
>asks to play horsey
>gets on my back and I crawl around on the carpet before getting him off by leaning

>in class
>free time
>kid who doesn't talk much walks up to me, puts a book in my hand and sits in front of me
>I read to him
>he is listening intently and has a smile on his face almost the whole time

I really like my job sometimes. Shame it's Summer.


I want to punch every face you have posted so far.

Inb4 everybody walks the dinosaur

