Did Sup Forums ever shop for a whopper?

Did Sup Forums ever shop for a whopper?


Fuckin' love a whopper. Guilty pleasure of mine.

terrible sandwich, fell apart so I had to ask for knife and fork to gobble up the remaining salad and leftovers

used to work for bk so had plenty during my time there

>shop for a whopper


An employee discount?

What are your favorite burgers/sandwiches from the great BK? Any time of day?

Not OP but definitely the SteakHouse King

Did somebody say Wooper?

a 100% discount yeah

Suck man I haven't had a burger since Dec. This diet sucks. Whopper taste so good but it's like over half my daily calories.

Does anyone else like the Grilled Chicken Burger?

OP here not sure but I think
has the right idea

You joking? That's official?

Who here has ever had their flame-grilled Big Mac clone, the Big King?

in my country, you are entitled to food on your breaks if the place sells fresh stuff
if i were to be off that day and go to bk id only get a 10% discount

And where is that, exactly?


What about this if it's in BK restaurants in your country?


what for?

theyre mostly franchise owned, so it depends on the restaurant.

No more conversation on how it compares to the competition?