Petite thread. Last one got 404'ed

Petite thread. Last one got 404'ed.

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Wish I still had pictures of my ex to put here. 23 years old and she's only 5' tall. Skinny and super tight, too.

Why did last get 404?



Dome cockwaffle linked cheese pizza.





After browsing porn for all these years, and probably seeing thousands of girls naked pics.

This one right here is my favorite and always will be. She may not be the hottest, but damn is she the best. Thats who i want my SO to be like.






Sienna from MPL Studios


What this guy said.

Link to her profile:


glory hole claire

This the girl that blew her dad at the glory hole? Claire?

i can't believe it, mostly because she looked into the room after (i think) and she didn't seem to care. plus how do we know? it's not official


exactly my point. i only heard it here. as for the video, just search glory hole claire stepdad

thank you!

keep it legal ill be checking in on you faggots periodically

Every time i really like a girl online and find out their name and look them up, they always turn out to be Russian! i'm obsessed with Russian girls!

She seems like a trained whore to me. I wouldn't be surprised if daddy was grooming/ fucking her from the get go

She doeant see who its is in tje video

suck our collective cocks cumfag


she's a born again christian now, so you tell me.

then how the fuck did we find out? can't find a good source on it


Whatever happened to this girl?

probably she sucked her stepdad, so she was like i need jesus so she went and got jesus she has youtube videos now about her turning away from porn


Wife. Comment for more


ja. shit the chin is full of dubs tonight

she's cute. for some reason i wanna see her with her tongue out waiting for it. might be cuz i'm a huge pervert.

Check em.



She didn't blow her Dad. Her dad is an ordained minister.

She quit born because she found Jesus again.

More? Also, name?

She doesn't have a stepdad. Never did.

idk. she's from /soc/



ignore this & go to

God I'd love to thrust deep inside of that and bust a nut.


Dump everything going to cum to her

Only have a few

Be gone...BOT!


>when she looks so good you go straight past arousal and onto sadness and longing


Does she let you do her in that ass?


That's the power of art, my friend.




This thread is taking too long to get to the 'good' stuff

Oh god, here come the pedos.














Wow. If this was a ylyl...lost


Too much panties, not enough nude pussy.













Thanks. For the dubs.