Roast ME Faggots

Roast ME Faggots

wearing shoes inside the house like a big faggot


the bottom half of u looks like you landed on the moon. the top half looks like it's prepping to suck a dick.

I bet he puts peanut butter on his face that's why it's so pimply

boom, roasted





You're gonna need to open your lips wider to fit your BF's cock.

Based on pic I'd say you are broke. Women don't date broke men.

Roast? You mean GAS, right?

Starting a trap thread this late in the night?

You like to tell people that you're doing a roast me because you're feeling on top of the world and that you need something to humble you. However, you know deep down that the humbling you're trying to receive is the reason to kill yourself. You know you're an ass hat with nothing to look forward and youre trying to find that validation from random people on the internet. You know that it will bring you peace if you kill yourself because youre a worthless piece of shit that someone who could be great. That way your mother wont be as mortified to have lived past her kin and you hope deep down she also knows you are pathetic. That way she doesnt have to suffer as much. But you know any reason we give you wont be good enough because you know you arent capable of doing it. Not only are pathetic but your weak. You cant act on the one thing your capable of doing. Look, I wish you well in life and I hope you live. But, even though you know I was sincere on that last comment (Seriously you have a lot to live for), you cant come to reality that you still feel worthless. So dont worry user you wont find what your looking for here.

Did not read

did you really just spend your time writing that because no one will ever read it.

?? is this u?

>the guy in the pic isn't OP, it is instead OP's high school bully and OP is trying to get people to roast him behind his back because he is too much of a little bitch do say shit to the guys face
Yeah. I think I got you figured out, OP.

>have to be the first poster or no one will see me
>Looks around the image desperately
>New trash can? What can i do with that?
>Maybe something with that offbrand cereal?
>No wait that's Pops. Pops are delicious.
>Shit, this guy is better looking than me.
>Those shoes use velcro, maybe I'll say something about that
>gotta hurry, what was i going to type again?
>something about shoes...

this looks exactly like an apartment ive been in like exactly. Its a weird and possibly retarded question but do you live in colorado?