Once again, it's convention time tomorrow and I haven't packed~

Once again, it's convention time tomorrow and I haven't packed~

evening Sup Forums, what's everybody drinkin' tonite?

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would I be anything else in the mirror every morning?
Gotta get them pre-con jams in too.

Nothing unfortunately, by time I got off of work everything was closed. Not too thrilled. You? 211 is my guess, drink one for me. Good to see you btw.

that's a bummer, man. And yus, that is it, and I will empty this mug and fill it again for ya. Nice to see ya too, friend.

What convention are you going to? Hope you have a good time man

Akon, formerly at Dallas, now in Ft. Worth, the Edmonton of Texas..
I'm sure it'll be fine, my partner went to scope it out today when he signed up for con staff, it's just gonna be a pain in the tuchas to get out there.

On with the tunes!

What are your thoughts on the log-boy, and on log culture in general?

Kek, this.

oh look its this lonely retard again

put the effort you waste on these threads into making yourself look presentable you nasty fatass

The claimed ownership of everything cool

Depends, what are ya talking about? I'm not up on my trends.
Coming from a faceless, unpresentable blank, that comment is particularly hurtful.


Hey bro what do you think about my progress?


What are you trying to become? A centaur?

it's old shit!
Might wanna consider skipping glutes day a couple times.

Wow. Serena Williams' baby is growing up fast!

That's what the other user was referring to when he said "log boy"

your lumpy ass is nobody to be giving criticisms you look like a blob of desperation for attention

I had to make sure, google was saying something about some attention-hungry protester.
Probably true!

oy! Lay off the pisshead, jizz-knuckles.

What would you do to her?

Buy her some food.

Tickle her, she's wide open for it right there, both on armpit and tummy.

What do you think of this bad ass?


I meant sexually

all while wearing the stupid shades and fedora huh?

How the fuck does this guy reply with an appropriate reaction pic so fast?

hes a professional attention whore he knows what hes doing

aww hello there
i was about to sleep but then saw this thread
im drinking water

Would you lick her armpits?


I think if survival-freak Michael Stevens wanted to be taken seriously, he wouldn't do these vids.
well.. probably a bit of that too! who knows what she likes.
Only if she asked me to, plus I don't wear a fedora, maggot-eyes~

What's your favorite gta game?

it's all in the reflexes.
fair enough, but if you got shit to do in the morning, better to catch some Z's
naw, gross

youre such a fucking faggot it hurts

i never have anything to do and aint it funny that all these people call you names seems kinda childish amiright?

god damn you look retarded


OP is the calm, loving, reliable father figure you miserable underage chunks of cumstains never hafd

whats his name what do we call him i like larry lets call him larry

GTA4 is a close second, because of Roman and Little Jacob, plus Nico is such a can-do kind of guy, but GTA5 was a damn powerhouse. De Santa reminds me of a criminal version of my dad, successful, put in the time and effort, but got bored in his comfort and had to find something to do, only Pops chose geneology instead of robbery.

MORE TUNES! this one's for you, Pops~
it's all they got sometimes.
Damn, wish I could translate..

So you're saying he has a big cock?

call me whatever you like, but my name's nickel, a pleasure to meet you.

hey my ear can do this what do you think

Hello from Italy man

Go to sleep.



dam hardcore stuff here

well, buonasera, friend~

think I need another drink..


>implying nuggies bare even the smallest genetic resemblance to real chicken
>implying mcdonalds is "food"

oh god what have a idone

Italy guy here, actually here is 08:37 AM, so it's Buongiorno :)


I'm a law student. Hello!


a big sheep AND breadsticks??
Ah! Buenas dias from Texas, friend.


god has abandoned us

now this seems appropriate

this is so strange... are you real ?

my dad's a family defense lawyer, practices from the home. How's the education going?
jesus, I meant to say sandwich, how the hell'd THAT happen?


Halfway through this $3 vodka bottle.Been thinking about the last 4 years ive lost in a shitty hell relationship. Fucken hate my life. But I'm happy to see you after a few months. Thanks dude.

That's awesome. We just finished our final exams recently. I hope I pass all my subjects and make it to second year!
Also, why are you so nice?

you best look the other way that sammich is mine

Strip down naked and take a pic. Non-negotiable.

Horee sheet


how's this?

Not nickel but I'm jealous. Been hitting legs more so I can be thicker for girls to want me. So far no go.

what i dont understand is, why you are still alive? just end it, sort yourself out, kill your self NOW




now if you did that with the shoveld dog that would be perfect

budweiser tall cans and vodka


Always an honor to help, friend. Hope you're on the mend with that.
I know you got it in you, the BAR exam is your BITCH!
and I'm just trying to make things better, wherever I can.
right then, prepare to DIE!
damn, that sammich do look good.
wowie, cheers to that shit! EVERYONE, FINISH YOUR DRINKS!!


Nickel... This is non-negotiable.

What's a mend?not sure what that means

see this fucker thats a body to be proud of

fat OP kys

who wants to see me spray axe in my face again?
man you better get nude that guy looks serious

you can stop faggot nobody wants to talk to you go get your own thread

nahhh i rather chill in this cozy thread

means feeling better.
oh yeah, I bet that's for sure!

northmen reporting in, drinking some h2O and not wanting to go to sleep . how you been

Why the fuck do i keep coming back to this website???

how long does this thread usually last kind sir

Wow.... just wow. This again.... every fucking time I get on Sup Forums
I was literally thinking "gee I hope that one cringy ass guy isn't gonna be on, wonder how many times that thing is on here".

I absolutely gotta get to sleep so I can meet my buddy in the morning to head out to the hotel. But I've been well, super busy at work and super drunk otherwise~
I remember that face of yarn!
I'm actually gonna pack it in soon, about 30 minutes more. I gotta get ready for tomorrow and catch some sleep.


drinking moscow mule tonight with deep eddy vodka

I'll be sure to drop and make sure you never come back on here again.

wonder if i should make a thread in 30 minutes

Why are you asking that tub of grease and shit for?

Oho, there's a familiar face! you were the one with the handsome bass, yes? I've also been working all week, every week.
Do what you feel you must.
let's keep it going a bit longer, yeah?

alright sounds fun

Tfw no drinks, and girlfriend left me for her dad