Just found this video of popular YouTube error amazing atheist pouring boiling hot water on his MI road penis

Just found this video of popular YouTube error amazing atheist pouring boiling hot water on his MI road penis xvideos.com/video4214962/amazing_atheist#_tabComments

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Is he euphoric in the video?

He's has a micro cock

Yeah hes also shoved bananas up his asshole i think. Whats your point? Shitty youtuber, shitty porn

That would probably explain his anger directed towards God.

Does anyone has a link to the original banana video? Post it here, please.

I would also like this

....whats your point?
He's openly stated many times that his dick is small (even before any videos leaked) and he's also often. Stated that he's into weird shit, sexually.

I don't see how this affects his arguments and I don't know why you guys care. Seems kinda faggy to care enough about a dude that you actively search for a video of him with a banana up his ass.

Your Idol is a faggot. God warned you about worshipping idols yet you are deaf and blind. There is nothing worthy of worship beside God. Come to your senses before it's too late.

Nice bait.
Not my idol anyway. Very rarely watch his vids

It's not bait you damned mortal with only limited time in its miserable existence. Find God if you want to know peace.

Watch this video and tell me why I should


Welcome to the party. Stay for the microdick jokes. Buy his banana tshirts.

Stopped at 55 seconds. Where does he get the idea that his soul will reside in the same body in afterlife? That it will be limited to it's primate brains of understanding eternity and coping with it?

You have to watch the whole thimg you fucking niggerbrained retard.

I know the point he is trying to send across.
>everything gets boring after awhile in eternity
am I rite? did it ever cross your mind that you might won't sense time as you do now or percept reality the same way?

Then we wouldn't be ourselves, now would we?

Regardless, even IF God exists, I'm not gonna spend my life worshipping something so pathetic that he demands love and attention or else he'll throw an autistic bitch fit and kill people.

>he demands love and attention or else he'll throw an autistic bitch fit
just like you're doing right now?



looks like him but doesnt mean for sure it is him.