I just need to get this off my chest

I just need to get this off my chest.
My girlfriend is fat and ugly.
Our conversations are boring and feel like a chore.
Anytime I want to hangout she tells me she cant go at the last second.
I really want to break up with her.
How do I do this?
Am I a bad person?

yes, kys

OP: Bitch, we need to talk.
Fat Tranny Pig Slut: Are you breaking up with me?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....
Fat Tranny Pig Slut: BRB killing myself lol!
OP: Dumb bitch.


Just stop interacting with her. It's not that hard.

I used to date a fat slob. She cheated on me, that's how I got out of the relationship. Just go cheat if it won't guilt your conscience, I did it before while we were together because I knew she was before but no proof until I found the actual proof. Either one of yall cheat or just let it die; don't talk, hang, do your own things and have your own fun. Trust me, if you're miserable, you'll find a way.

If you honestly feel this way about her, you need to confront her calmly and rationally explain your reasoning as to why you don't feel the relationship is working out between you, and that you feel it would be best for both of you if you split ways.

You don't want to do anything you'll regret later in life for your own sanity sake, like cheating, it just isn't worth it. You're not attracted no more, that's fine, so end it.

Don't be rude about it when you approach her though, or that will just escalate the chance of an argument arising.

No, you're not a bad person. Falling out of love happens sometimes love is unpredictable that way.

Break it off. Tell her that the relationship is just not there due to different interests and feelings. Its hard if you are a beta fag but worth it in the long run.
I suffered depression for 7 years due to my ex.
She has gone and so has the depression.

ignore this & go to
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ

1st of all, was she fat when you started dating? If so, why did you start dating her in the 1st place? 2nd of all if you're not happy then don't stay on the ride any longer. Shit will just get worse, and then it will end anyways. Just tell her you 2 are at different places in your lives, and that it would be best if you parted ways. She'll get over it and you will feel much better about your life.

This guy.

Proceed to telling she is fat ugly boring cunt. She break up with you. Problem solve

>were braking up
>block her ass
>avoid her ass
>stop feeling like bad you pathetic piece of shit, you don't want her anymore end of story.

Wish my ex had done this yesterday. She just told me how great I was and that long distance was to much even though she put no effort into the relationship. It really makes me think if I'm so great why am I not worth your effort. But anyways that exactly how someone should end it I applaud you good person

Be honest, but not rude. You know what I mean? Say exactly how you feel, but don't be a total dick about it because she will tell other people. Don't make it an argument, just make it apparent. Also treat her nice like how you'd want to be treated when someone's breaking up with you. Don't do it over a text or social media either and don't ask a friend to do it for you. Be a grown up about it and show that you have the guts to do it because you want to and you're a person that does whatever the fuck they want.

>Falling out of love happens sometimes love is unpredictable that way.
bullshit. he used her for sex and now he's dumping her. she thought he would be with her to the end, the lying faggot probably even said so, so fuck him. yes, he is a bad person.

go find a hot bitch to fuck who will go places with you (and everyone else she;s fucking) and catch an STD brah, because "sure and steady and clean" wasn't good enough for you, you shallow manlet.

one day you will fall in love and get "better-dealed" by some "hot" (probably slaggy) bitch you really love, and you will suffer the same or worse. when you do, remember her face, and this message.

>if you're not happy then don't stay on the ride any longer.
she's not a "ride" she's a human being you selfish, soulless, psychotic cunt.

Fucked a fat slut. She started to orbit around me, like a beta male around a girl. Told her to just fuck off, kek. Ain't sticking my dick into a lardass again, kek.

Do the same, but be a bit politer.

gimmie her cell phone number i'll help you break up with her.

>Fucked a fat slut. She started to orbit around me, like a beta male around a girl. Told her to just fuck off, kek. Ain't sticking my dick into a lardass again, kek.
get herpes fuckboy

Ayy papi needed to fuck something. She was around and willing, so what the heck. Would do it again, if she wasn't ugly in the face.

Why the fuckboy tag? It's normal to fuck girls that come around.

This user got it right first try. That kind of love isn't really love though (neither is parent/child either, hence why parents play faves or children rat
out parents to the gov, etc).

Anyways, just fucking end it and stop the fucking misery. Being up front about it will probably be better in hindsight, but seriously, why the fuck choose to suffer for NO fucking reason.

>That kind of love isn't really love though (neither is parent/child either, hence why parents play faves or children rat
>out parents to the gov, etc).
thank you

welp i did it
she cried
im glad i did it but fuck do i feel bad

Well would you really want someone to stay with you if they truly were not happy in the relationship and wanted to spare your feelings or 'not be a bad person'? I've been there more than once m8 and BELIEVE ME, if you're really over the relationship, and not happy with it, just break up with her sooner than later, life is too short and you will move on and find someone else.

>Fat slag detected.
Project much?