Is cp bad?. '

Is cp bad?. '

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CP is bad.
Why do you ask? Do you film it?

No, I'm just a collector.

Loli is perfect tho tbh tbh


enjoy your jail

comey was fired bro the entire fbi was shut down

Thread will 404 in about 10 minutes. Like the FBI works that fast.

Potential soon-to-be child pornography thread reported.

As a proud member of Anonymous working with other members in Anonymous with #OPInnocence #OPPedoHunt I report all threads that depict / and or otherwise sexualize children or show questionable content.

These threads and its content can be but are are not limited to 'Too Young For Those Tits (TYFTT), Too Young For That Ass (TYFTA), Pre-Teen & Teen (JB), Young Girls, Cute Little Girls, Young Candid, and this also includes such threads 'Bad Parenting, Creep shot, You Love You Loose, Guess Her Age, Nudism' as these can often be places where such violations are performed with pictures of underage girls and boys being posted.

We must also mention that threads/images that sexualize underage girls that are drawn, sketched, animated or crafted, (Known as Lolicon) are just as bad as the real thing and is also in violation of rules of not just Sup Forums but the Adam Walsh Act and the laws of the United States Of America (18+ Required Law) and Human Rights Act.

We in Legion thank the Janitors & Moderators of Sup Forums who listen to our reports and work with us along with the interception and help from the FBI, LEA, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), New York Police Department, Google & Microsoft in working together to help stop child exploitation and abuse.

Remember, we must protect the children as they are our future - the future of Legion!
Never stop fighting the vile scum of this Earth such as pedophiles and child molestors!

CP is just a 'circle game' played by Sup Forums.
>50% are white-knight moral-fags, who are obvious against it.
>25% are edgelords, baiting each other with illegal content in the off chance of getting v&'d.
>24% are other types of edgelords that see CP in the same catergory as rekt/gore...just shock-value, no arousal.
>1% are actual pedos looking for content.

you're a faggot

what is the point o fhis thread


I'm Japanese and the police don't even care. You have no idea how things work in Japan.

tell me.
wanna maybe move there one day
(not a weeabo)

No why is CP bad?

Cheese Pizza is god tier


Real pedos don't go asking Sup Forums for cp. They already know where to get it.

Download as much cp as you like, but don't boast about your collection and don't distribute it. The same goes for movies, anime and manga. The police have other things to worry about.

what does the police worry about in japan? I heard crime rate is low in urban areas

Koubans are full of wanted posters and the police spend time investigating more important cases such as murders and road accidents.

thank me later
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ

This! I fucking love cheese pizza! I had dominos today and it was great!

They didn't even arrest people illegally renting out rooms to foreigners. The government would lose support if they started arresting people over these issues. A lot of people pirate things on the internet.


You're the reason we have school shootings


Only if the kid doesnt consent

I don't know, I only star in it



Loli and shota aren't in legal violation dumbass, drawings literally have no rights.

I can understand the importance of protecting the innoence, but why does everyone need to be a fucking zealot instead of just exercising moderation and common sense.

Anyways 10/10 for making me respond.

Anyone know what this is? I aint clicking on it here

Its just one stupid satanic vid



i never saw cp before so can't judge.

>He doesn't know that roughly 40% of US males are at least hebephiles

fuck off sick fag

But.. Chocolate Pie is Delicious ;_;

0/10 no stupid tabs open

that is because it is not fake

So? Missed oppertunity mate, im dissapointed

you are a faggot

yes, you degenerate

Yes, loli animoo is one thing, but actual child abuse is in fact child abuse. Hillary?

Thanks bud, saved.

What if they consent tho?


This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.


This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.

Stop waiting for someone to drop CP, i know that's the reason you are here.

This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.
This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.
This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.
This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.
This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.

Oh shoot theyre making a meme outta my post



This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.

This is argument? I have seen argument... this is not proper argument.




