Hi. How do you make money?

Hi. How do you make money?

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I am a straight guy turned gay sex slave who now has a pair of tits and a dick and i self fuck in front of a crowd and sometimes a black guy kinda does it for me, also, some tied up bdsm stuff and a bit of the bukkake for the toppings.

simple question will only gain you a simple answer. "get a job".
Going to need more info.

have you applied for employment anywhere?

Try that

I did but I don't think I can handle work and school at the same time.


Solution here

Focus on working then go to school even if it is a shitty job. it'll get you by to where you want to be later in life

But I don't want to get drafted

Get drafted? The fuck you talking about? Making sound like this is 1975 and there's a huge war going on where we are in dire need of military fodder.
What is wrong with you?

I live in a second world country

teacher, I teach.

you avoid conscription in a lot of countries by being enrolled in school

I'm being paid for my work.

I hang out with crazy people and drink lots of coffee. Sometimes I get bitten

OP is the one asking for info though as in how do YOU money ie what kind of job did you get and how?

I exchange my time and skills for monetary reward

pretend to be a girl online on multiple sites then sad losers give me money 4 free

Clever, didn't think of the literal context of the sentence. Very clever.
I gather junk from the "free" section of craigslist and resell on ebay.

Like where?

i'll be broke and homeless soon, so ,,take a guess

ha ha ha, the joke's on you: I got a job.

oy vey, good goy, I don't need to tell you how we LITERALLY make money

oy vey, all of your money are belong to us!

I suggest you do what your parents did and get a job, sir.

You cute?
I might consider buying some time with you.

Maybe... I hope. Depends. My email is [email protected] if you're for real.

You're a girl?
No thanks.
You shouldn't post your email on Sup Forums.

I never said that.

This is my pic.

My email is [email protected]

>download sexy pictures from Sup Forums and other websites
>put them in my website and title them "young 18 year old teen tied up and anal fucked" (op pictur as example)
>it doesn't link you to the video, it just redirects you to a site with a ton of adds that give me money for sending clicks
>some people click several times thinking they will get the video after several ones
>last month made 1500 euro

Work smart, not hard.

Isn't Susan a girls name?
What's your location?
This isn't gonna work if we're in different countries.

We probably are. I'm from eastern Europe.

Oh damn. New Zealand.
Is that your pic in the OP?

>a site with a ton of adds that give me money

I wish.

Well good luck finding money.
You should post some pics anyway.

>Money for sending clicks
I'm piqued, always been aware of those sites, never once occured to start one up myself. If you're still here, mind sharing the source of the ad site?
Or how to find others like it?

Posts some tits op?

I don't go into detail about the site or any other info, it's really difficult to get into but enough searching and dedication will pay you well.
Well the ones that are more open to join are the ones you get sent too, just contact them that you've got a site and want in.

Ah, I suck at research so figures it's what I gotta do. Thanks for the advice ya gave.
Hope I can figure it out, making sites is easy enough. What's your average pull from it if ya don't mind me askin? Is 1500 an average number, or was it just a good month? Do you put much effort into spreading your link around or do you let Google take care of that?

Sell kidneys that I find by the roadside

I do things others value. They give me money based on how they value what I do for them. That is how money is made in an economy.

Get into porn. That's where all the money is

I tried.