Whats the best thing about Sup Forums?

Whats the best thing about Sup Forums?

The oppression of women and blacks.

We collectively have about 70 55 gallon bags of dick.

Feels good to know you aint the only autistic NEET with zero friend in this godamn life.

Laughing at all the autistic NEETS with zero friends in this godamn life.

All the funny may-mays of course.


it give me porn

These trips

Having beutiful advertisements such as this on the side of the screen

Being able to call you a kike loving nigger pedo nazi and no one bats an eyelid.

Do that on any other site and normies have a snowflake meltdown

People who steal thread ideas from IHE

You are, OP.

Awwwwwwww, so sweet!


I love you too m8

The awesome intellectual stimulation

Being banned during a lonely weekend.


creative contents

Whats the best thing about all the random Pajeets who come on here?

the sick comebacks and bants

The past... Sup Forums used to be disturbing now its traps and aids..

There are no niggers and yet everyone is a nigger.


>Magnum DESI

Tard threads, autistic screeching, the dankest memes straight from the source, and getting drunk and philosophical at 3am.

Also porn.

It is so popular now. Oldfag been here since 1884, it great to see the same shit posted over and over. This place use to be a collective now it is a hive mind. Like my 2nd fav place on the net, Reddit. Let's make Sup Forums more popular people!

How incensed liberal snowflakes get on here over Trump winning the election, it's hilarious stuff and never fails to deliver! HAHAHAHAHAHA xD